Problems occuring after downloading the latest patch 1.32.6, June 2 2020 update

Hi there,

I came across quite a few problems after downloding the latest patch, all came after downloading this pay h so i believe the problem is only in this patch.

Even after completing a campaign mission, I don’t get the “red colored completed hard” icon on the missions completed after the update, the previous missions that o completed before the update have that icon.

And also after completing a mission the time is showed 0 in the score screen while it’s properly showing in the saved game files.

I am also not able to unlock the portraits in the collections also ! All else are unlocked but in the ones I completed after the update are still locked in collections.

I tried restarting the game going online and offline again and again but no change. Please do something about it asap!

Also my game crashes the first time I try to start any game when I open my computer. Everytime the game crashes like this and then I reopen it and then it works. It has become irritating.
Also my game disconnects from battlenet for the first time as soon I start a game and then I have to again restart the game to go online after which it does not disconnects when starting a game.
I have to do this whole process of restarting the game twice to be able to play properly apart from the campaign collections issue.

These all problems came after I installed the latest update (patch 1.32.6 June 2 2020).

The 0:00 mission time issue will be fixed in the next patch. Hopefully it will also fix the difficulty icons as well and portrait unlocks as they could all be tied together.

As for the crashes, you’ll want to either try a post in the Technical support forum, or submitting a technical support ticket to Bliz.