Pre-purchase Access to Classic

No they aren’t. In fact they have said multiple times that Reforged players will be able to play with classic players. There will be no separation.

I think in Warcraft Reforged Blizz should put their efforts to make more realistic background scenes. The fire looks terrible and unreal too. The sky, all mountains and hills don’t look realistic when you change the camera from first person perspective. The background scene in WoW looks much better.

Thank You Blizzard! For all those years.
Since WC I, SC I and Diablo I i am your fan,so seeing the rebirth of WC III its like dream!
Here in Brazil the PC games where part of all “by-now” adults history and you were there with us, till the very beginning.
Thank you for all that originality brought! Thank You for Sanctuary, Azeroth and the Koprulu.
When reforging WC III please remember us, the first ones, the eternal followers, give us back our “dream-worlds”.

Van i Play warcraft 3 Classic right Now online with my pre purchase Reforged Key on Battle net?
Ladder and costume Games and so on

Yes, but you need to install it through your account, not the Battle Net app. You also need to run it through the standalone program, not through the Battle Net app.

i bought wc3 reforged. i wanna know that can i play classic wc3 before reforged is released. and i wanna download wc3 but cant find in

You need to go into your account on the Blizzard website and you’ll find download links under your games list. It’s not on the app yet.

Dear slowreflex,

That doesn’t seem to work for me. I just pre-purchased WC3R but cannot seem to find the download link anywhere. WC3R doesn’t even popup in my games list.

Anyone else got the same problem?

WC3R won’t be in your download list as it isn’t out yet. You should see the two original games. They are in my list at this link: x

after I log into my battle net account.

That much I get. However, the only thing in my list under the category “classic games” is Starcraft. Are you US or EU, and does that matter?

If there should be a WC3R category where the two classic WC3 games are, then I don’t have that either…

Strange. I see both of them, but then again, I had them there for years so maybe I’m not a good example for this. Are you sure it recognizes that you’ve purchased the game? Did you get the confirmation email? Does this link work? x

That might explain it. Yes, I’ve received the confirmation e-mail and the purchase can be found in transactions history also. The games doesn’t show in the list.

However, your link actually got me the download. Is that for RoC only?

Don’t think so. The download links for RoC and TFT look exactly the same to me.

Okey, so they are not different .exe files?

Doesn’t look like it. They are the exact same named file anyway. I can’t run them on this computer (work computer) to see for sure.

Does this show you the files?:


Ok. No, that doesn’t show me WC3, only SC. However, it seems your first download link worked. I am at 30 % right now.

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By the way, as a sidenote, do you know how to get widescreen resolution?

Are you talking about in an actual game or in the menu? The menu isn’t widescreen right now, but the game supports it. I mean inside an actual game. :slight_smile:

Hi ,
i have been experiencing similar problems i have bought the pre purchase of warcraft 3 reforged and i have been trying to find the installer for warcraft3 classics so i can get started. I found an installer at the link above however when installing it jumps to 65% and pops up with ’ Whoops ! looks like something broke . Error Code : 3018 ’ .

this is becoming very frustrating as one of the main advertising points of pre - purchasing warcraft 3 reforged was ’ instant ’ access to the classic games.

Can anybody help me please ? :slight_smile:

Try this: x