Potential Black Screen Fix for

worked for me!! thx

Works for me, tnx!

AMD user here (RX 470), same problem, no idea if there’s a fix for AMD, only way I managed to play the game is by loading maps through the map editor but that’s only good for singleplayer maps

I’m having the same problem. Tried setting command line arguments for graphics, tried deleting temp files, tried reinstalling, tried setting the resetDefaults option, and tried messing with the firewall. None of these have worked. Hasn’t worked since the mandatory update.

Regarding AMD: My understanding is that the blackscreen occurs because something messes the GPU selection up if you have more than one, which is common for laptops.
The solution appears to set a “preferred high performance GPU”, which for Nvidia is described in the above.
For AMD however, I could only find guides that refer to a “AMD Radeon Settings” programme, which appears to have been replaced by “AMD Radeon Software” which lacks the feature to select the preferred GPU.

Update: what worked for me (AMD on Windows10):

  1. Right click on desktop -> Display settings
  2. Scroll down -> Graphics settings
  3. Select “classic app” in the drop down and browse for the BlizzardBrowser (NOT the WC3.exe) and add it to the list. Default path is C:\ Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III Beta\x86_64\BlizzardBrowser\BlizzardBrowser.exe
  4. Select Options for BlizzBrowser and set to “High performance”.
  5. Restart the Battle Net app.
  6. Success.

This method fixed my black screen!!!

This work in AMD!!!

fff this fixed the issue after trying 20 other things. Thanks!

Thank you, now it works :slight_smile: I have a nvidia geforce 1050ti

I was able to fix mine by plugging my monitor into a different port on my computer, the one that works with my NVIDIAGPU.

This worked thank you. You are more helpful than actual Blizzard Devs. Cheers!

i have rx 460 and not using updated drivers. after the new amd menu my pc went bad. so i roll over to the older version 19.11.3 if i am correct

Yeah I don’t know why some games need to be change on the GPU settings, even for others games and I think about Street Fighter V …

This worked for me. Thank you.

Thank You! This worked for me.

this also worked for me, thx!

From here, I have this issue too and that performance high in control panel is workaround
Hope it will be fixed

This worked for me, thank you so much!