Possible Expansions for Warcraft 3: Reforged?

The title is pretty much what this topic is about, more of a question towards blizzard but also something to ask the community the thoughts on this possibly happening.

As we have all seen the upcoming reforged appearances for Warcraft 3, one question has come to my mind at least and that being, would we see a possible remake for Warcrafts 1 and 2 as well?
The idea of them being possible expansions for it, that come later after all the release of Warcraft 3: Reforged, is something I personally would love to see happen.

So therefore I will ask Blizzard and also the community, what are your thoguhts on said idea? Of later down the road, after Warcraft 3 is released, optimized and running well, that possible expansions can come later which would bring warcraft 1 and 2 into the game as well, with reforged models for those campaigns so we can see them in this HD effect.


As I’ve said many times before. Personally I would like to see new campaigns based on battles from past lore, like Rise of the Black Empire. Where you play as the old god forces and take down the elemental lords. And others like troll wars, war of the shifting sand, and war of the spider.


I honestly think that IF they decide to try expansions it will begin with part of the WoW lore translated into the RTS genre and IF something like this succeeds than MAYBE we can get some dreamed original/historical content (i really hope so)!


I think there will be a new expansion in the future. I think that’s one of the reasons why they make all these new voice-overs for already existing localizations so that they can add more content in the future…

I agree with expansions though I don’t agree with wc1 and 2. They should just continue the history where they left it. We already know what will happen cause of Wow, but I think it will be nice to see it adapted to warcraft 3.

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Few agree with Warcraft1/2, most ppl agree with making the First War and Second War in reforged bcuz they are dying storie lines.

And i think yes they will make some new campaigns i don’t think they make those doodads like the capital city doodads(in war3 we see capital city just in the cinematics) and even the wrathgate doodad model without a reason. Blizzard isn’t that kind to work and make doodads out of theyr use just for map makers.

Wrathgate is to replace the frozen throne gate, I tested it in campaign, Capital City stuff are also normal wc3 doodads that ofc needed to be remastered since this is a remaster and they can’t leave it unfinished.

I’m not much related or even with nothing in datamining as you are, but normal wc3 doodads aren’t those from Stratholme in the demo and capital city doodads are unic ones like Dalaran and those for Silvermoon ones?

Nothing other than unit variations, silvermoon tileset (ofc for silvermoon) and some new exterior tomb of sargeras doodads are added , others are just ‘remakes’ they are just making them look more distinct. Stratholme set is called ‘cityscape’ dalaran is called ruins Lordaeron summer is the basic Lordaeron that has capital city stuff

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Anything regarding sunken ruins tileset or outland? Have those been WoW-ified?

Thanks god they are not! They just added 4-5 doodads as ruinstomb with some night elf but sunken coloured doodads to exterior Tomb Of Sargeras

Thats a relief.

Since you have the beta, are you able to look at the textures at all? I’m curious what resolution they are using, and how many maps per model

Mostly 1 to 4 maps I’ve seen so far, 1024x1024 or 1024x1024 with 2 mipmaps for medium and low quality, models also has 3 lod’s every model has diffuse normals and orm maps some has emissive too