Port 6112 still preventing AT games

I have my ports open so I am able to host, but other people who do not have 6112 open are having problems hosting AT games

theres also a persistent “Failed to Authorize” glitch that crops up with certain maps


having the same issue. game crashes, cant invite for AT, and since the 1.30 update my screen freezes for about 2-5 seconds and resumes or crashes completely.
cgs always desync


i got my ports opened but i got desyncs on my hosted games, too. they just go to the score screen for everyone.

i can host custom games, but cant AT as i used too, port and firewall are opened, some crashes also at main menu

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you no longer need to port forward. if you can not host, i suggest trying a different port.

I don’t have port 6112 forwarded and can host totally fine.

its a known issue.

Since IPv6 Internet just a few people can invite for AT. If you got a provider with IPv4 connection it works because Warcraft is built up on this.

With IPv6, even with port forwarding, it will not work to invite somebody.
Only if somebody wants to invite you, you need the port 6112 open that the AT invite works.
I have the same issue for long time.

Please fix AT on next patch :slight_smile:

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