Plz Upvote - Remaster ALL cinamatics not intro only!

The cg cinematics would cost as much as Reforged itself if you consider that the game is being outsourced and manned by the classic games department.

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i think its funny that a company like 343 would make ingame cutscenes into full CG cinematics for their remaster… yet a company known for cinematics is not remaking their 2003 cg cinematics into 2019 glorious masterpieces… activision takes enough money from us as it is (yes their greedy hands own blizzard) and this is their biggest game probably ever, if it wasnt for warcraft 3… there would be no wold of warcraft. the least they can do is to fully give us the “reforged” experience… beside blizz has a lot to make up for with diablo and them going to mobile

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A man of genius. You spoke exactly what I thought.

I remember that when I saw that scene I was so tense.
And when Arthas cut him with a cool side slash. Loved it


i think its funny that a company like 343 would make ingame cutscenes into full CG cinematics for their remaster… yet a company known for cinematics is not remaking their 2003 cg cinematics into 2019 glorious masterpieces… activision takes enough money from us as it is (yes their greedy hands own blizzard) and this is their biggest game probably ever, if it wasnt for warcraft 3… there would be no wold of warcraft. the least they can do is to fully give us the “reforged” experience… beside blizz has a lot to make up for with diablo and them going to mobile

343 Games didn’t make the Halo 2: Anniversary Resmastered cinematics, Blur Studio did, it’s just a small precision : p

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The team is tiny and blizzard has decided that the project isnt worth the budget

Dont you all have phones … is gold xD as well as roughly, is this out of season april fools joke ? xD I really had a big laugh then and there.

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I disagree. The old cinematics aged very, very gravefully, maybe apart from the pixellation / blurry resolution, and in my opinion even that has a certain fairytale-esque charm. The intro cinematic was just barely above the technical quality from the Warcraft 2 cinematics, and it was used as an announcement trailer initially. That means it genuinely deserved an upgrade because it was outdated when it was actually added to Warcraft 3 upon release.

As for the cutscenes, which is the only thing I consider the Arthas vs. illidan fight, I’m fairly certain they will have to overhaul that one because it uses ingame graphics as opposed to a fully rendered cinematic animation. The detail on the models is more or less the level you’d get in the campaign menus of each race, which will most likely also get an overhaul.

For what it’s worth, you’ll get your APAIIIIIC Arthas vs. Illidan fight in high-rez. The other cinematics though? It would be downright blasphemous to overhaul them.

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I hope they do, as well!!!

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I would love for them to do it. But the main problem and what worries to me is that although the original cinematics do not look bad today. Some characters designs are somewhat outdated in these, mainly the orcs. They had almost no difference between them. And I would be afraid the developers in order to be consistent with the gameplay, make the characters very similar to the original kinematics.

For example, orcs have now improved to much compared to yesteryear. If they do not look for that similarity and make the playable character like the best current designs where they look much better (Case of orcs in Warcraft Movie 2016, Warlords of Draenor and BFA). I would not mind.

In my opinion the best design of Grommash Hellscream is in Warcraft Movie from 2016. And I know Thrall can be improved a lot more too.

2 years from now if Reforged show up as a success, we will have many things improved, rebirthed

This project has been pushed, it was rejected at first, and just because adding a marketing element was approved at the end.

I suggest everyone pre-purchase a game and help it.

So in some future its budget can be justifyed to higher instances.

And stop attacking Pete, hes not a real representative of classic team at all.
Hes just green and young and incompetent

Stop attacking classic team at all, its NOT THEIR FAULT.
We should be gratefull we even got Reforged in current state.

But yes, you should always provide a feedback - the better project the better chance to be succesfull

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I disagree with my whole heart about this thread, just check how Reforged announcement trailer was poor compared to old one, smiling infernal, non serious looking Orc that could not learn to ‘warcry’…


No, it is not necessary at all, firstly, the old biennies are as realistic as possible, and secondly, the new cinematics are terrible, it’s not as gloomy, atmospheric and epic as the original one. No way, new cinematics are unnecessary.

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No money to remake all the cinamatics. gg lol

I don’t think anyone here is arguing that Blizzard doesn’t have the money to do it, but more that it isn’t a sound business decision to do it. It would probably cost them more to do it than what the return is going to be. And Blizzard knows this.