please stop breaking the game you’re ruining the experience for long term hard core fan base
Shut up. Don’t you see they are fixing a 20 y.o game?
the problem is that they’re not testing their fixes, so we keep getting left with a game that’s in alpha state rather than a finished product
That’s not correct though. Internal testing is extensive and stuff like this has been most certainly been QA’d.
The problem is that no matter how much internal testing is done, it can never account for public releases. There is no better way to find bugs than to release it to the public.
You look at the game’s state and see it as a buggy mess. I look at the game and imagine “Ok so if these are the problems people are having, what were the issues they did fix internally before releasing? How bad were those issues?”
“Ok so if these are the problems people are having, what were the issues they did fix internally before releasing? How bad were those issues?”
I imagine something like to this:
father, give me legs
LOL? Game has been broken for mac users since 10/3. They said yesterday it would be fixed. Still broken for mac users. I’m convinced there was ZERO testing here, not a single mac user can use the game for 6 weeks now.
One particular Mac-related issue might have been dealt with, while there could be other reasons that are more widespread. Fact of the matter is, the game is broken for Mac users and for them to fix it, they need more data. Send them error logs, system info, whatever they ask. That’s how the issue gets fixed, not complaining about the issue.
LOL they have KNOWN mac has been broken since 10/3. Please, stop your nonsense.
Am I wrong? You haven’t disproven what I’ve said, you’re repeating yourself.
Ok but the problems we’re having are from normal use cases. For example, firing up a custom map that has custom UI in it immediately reveals that 2 of the features they added that affect UI break those maps.
That does not surprise me. However, custom map issues are not something I would use as a case point - when something within a custom game gets broken by Blizzard, it isn’t up to Blizzard to fix the issue for that custom game. It’s up to the creator of that custom game. That’s always been the case.
The Mac issue though, that’s a separate thing. And what I believe is that they thought they fixed it by fixing an issue - and they even might have done so in a way that shows results on their internal test machines.
That does not mean they fixed the issues for everybody. Thus they need more info about the errors people get and any system logs related so they can fix it. Which brings me back to the point: Complaining about the issue won’t help if you won’t provide actually helpful data like the stuff I mentioned.