Indeed this is very disappointing.
I don’t want any wow lore at all in Warcraft 3.
But I wanted them to rework the cutscenes. Not the dialogues in particular, but the animations, the point of view, like we’ve seen in the Stratholme trailer.
What a pitty they gave up on it. It was very important.
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I am curious if this is the real complaint, people aren’t that into the WoW lore, instead they want lines revoiced. They don’t want to know about recycled assets, it diminishes their reforge purchase.
It is a big risk to revoice. No guarantee revoiced lines will be any better. Many of the original actors are no longer in Blizzard’s books and others have aged considerably(voices have changed). Also the powers that be may push in retcons to justify the cost.
It is catch 22:
- Retcon to retain more sales, but then there is no room for expansions (must folllow WoW to be faithful to purchases). No motivation to enhance Reforged if you are to become dogs working under the WoW guys…right?
- Don’t retcon, there maybe a loss in sales, but you still be able to write brand new fresh lore if there is strong work ethic to keep the game relevant.
I’m not sure we will see additional expansions, it would be cool… It depends on how many sales reforged gets. Using Heroes as a reference point, it is straight forward that if a game is under-performing staff are going to be shuffled around and let go - that is new blizz…
So… Reforged will have to perform back-to-back miracles to remain relevant inside Blizzard. It might be possible if they update icefrogs DotA and make a special ladder for it inside of, stuff like that. I’m sure they still have rights to it. They need serious miracles from a dirty playbook if they truly want to put wc3 back on the map.
Why do you think they are not going to do this anymore? I’m 97% sure this is still in, if only for the reason that they have to remake it for the new models.
Because an interview already confirmed that the cutscene redo is being scrapped.
To promise reworked campaing in 2018. Open preoreders.
Scrap everything in 2019 blizzcon. PROFIT
That is worse then diablo immortal thing in 2018
Even if the continued campaign won’t be ready this year, please blizzard add it later on.
Thank you for the great job.
They are revoicing it in all other languages than English. Maybe, the English original is revoiced, too.
They already said during the panel that it isn’t.
It is a worthless excuse from Blizzard. If people don’t want the campaign to change they can play the old one. But a lot of people did like the idea of a new campaign. It is one of the reasons i wanted the game. I also know people who only ordered the game because of the new campaign. They just can’t make it in time and give us a stupid reason. Why don’t they release the game in 2019 without a campaign and then in early 2020 they add a whole new reforged campaign like we were told there would be.
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As someone who didn’t much care for what Wrath of the Lich King recontextualized about the Lich King; I’m probably one of the purists who thinks the new canon is not as interesting as the old one, where all arcane was corruptive for example.
I still wanted this new campaign. Why wouldn’t I? I wasn’t going to replay the classic campaign all that much. I’ve already played it out like 5 times and I would have been happy to dip in and out of the old experience to contrast it with the new one.
Added to that; This game was never for me, it was for me to share with other people. I wanted people who only know Warcraft from WoW to get the strategy they wanted. Me being a purist for the old lore shouldn’t stand in the way of new experiences.
I’m really disappointed. The new assets were shaping up to look awesome; most of them conforming to lore as old as The Ashbringer comic series, WC3, the first novels. Would the new stuff have been perfect? No, of course not. But I didn’t mind playing something that painless.
There’s people coming out of the woodwork to say they’ll buy the game now and they wouldn’t have otherwise. Best case scenario they are lying, since they always would have gotten the classic campaign. Worse case scenario, they’re glad others were denied things they had been looking forward to, to the point they want to reward Blizzard for disappointing others. That’s toxic as hell and they poison the idea of being a purist. It disgusts me.
On the bright side, I think they didn’t slash it for the reasons they said. I think they thought they had a good marketing spin for budget cuts, which they didn’t think entirely through.
To me it makes more sense to just have two campaigns. One the “Classic” Campaign, left completely untouched from Warcraft 3 TFT and another “Reforged” Campaign with the necessary changes to made to remove the retcons used for WoW and added highlights for WoW focus heroes, such as Jaina and Sylvanas.