I will buy it day one.
Hey Nike can you sell your shoes on the Adidas website? Thanks.
Believe it or not they doing it with games like Diablo and it was a huge success
They have new Call of Duty game on Steam day one too. It makes no sense they would keep legacy titles like these locked down. Age of Empires revival exists only thanks to Steam. Microsoft owns that too. Just do it!
look at it from a business perspective, you want people on your platform over others, CoD was on steam before all the aquistion no? Diablos Prob passed through an evauation test and research to breakinto other platforms such as steam and still generate enough reach without taking a huge cut of the Bilzz traffic of their platforms. also its companies colabborating with each other which is normal. Now If WC was all on steam yea theyd make money but it would deminish their marketing of new features and products from home page advertising, when the majority of traffic would be on steam. All companies play give in take with eachothers markets up to a point where it makes sense for them profit and Company goals wise.
What business perspective? These are 30 years old games.
wc and wow are the core IP’s of billzard lol why would they off load all that traffic onto other platforms? Also why doesnt steam put their games on Battlement? Why not make all the big names Gaming platforms all one? ooo yea thats a monoploy which is illegal in the US where no one company can be the only provider. this would take power from the plays becuase we’d be forced to pay and play what ever they provide. Why doenst Apple and andriod join forces? Diffrent Goals and objectives, Why doesnt Coke and Pepsi sell the same drink? for a Market to be fair & regulated there needs to be compitetion. I understand your point on yess theyd sell more but It would give the competitor more control over the market. and Blizz would lose more than gain. Money Grabbing is short term, Blizz is playing the Long term game aka 30 years of success.
This will sell 20x times more copies on Steam than here and get more interest in this franchise.
edited my reply btw idk if you get updated on that.
bro in his WoW bubble not knowing that 2 of their “core IPs” are already on the competitor’s platform
wishing for any game nowadays to only be available on a single platform is like begging for it to go out of service
You know, it’s not like Blizzard hasn’t put their other games on Steam or anything…
they have yea, it was a bad analogy, Dont think they’d do it with thier Core IP’s
Diablo is their core IP. Warcraft RTS brand is largely abandoned.
Until yesterday
Being Battle.net exclusive… still largely abandoned.
I’ts been on battle.net its entire existence. I don’t think steam will help that much.
Maybe more now than it would have in the past 5 years, but still not that much.
It’s been on retail it’s entire existence. Battle.net being just a multiplayer service back then.
Imo current RTS audience exists solely on Steam and won’t even realize remastered Warcraft is available.
You’re splitting hairs. It was still on battle.net regardless of what form it took.
Not really. It just isn’t that popular of a genre anymore. So few new games have come in the intervening years its sad tbh.
It’s more popular now than it was 10 years ago. Plenty of new games being made.
It really isn’t. Name ten RTS games made in the last 10 years and list their steam playercounts.
All the best RTS games I can name available on Steam are more than 10 years old.