Please atleast unlock the campaigns

Please unlock all campaign missions so we can play them anytime we want with any difficulty we want at our on time and pace.


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Start mission
Press Enter
Type AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs
Repeat until everything is unlocked. Now you can play any mission you want in any order you want.


Seems wasteful. You can type motherland undead 03 to go to the 3rd undead mission, or motherland nightelf 05 to go to the fifth night elf mission, or whatever. There’s also a version of it that jumps to expansion campaign missions, although I forget the exact syntax. But it probably matches whatever existed pre-reforged if you look it up online. Maybe they have an x in the command for eXpansion.

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That works too, but all your base marks the mission as completed, permanently unlocking it. The level skip cheat just takes you there.

To open all Warcraft 3 Reforged campaigns use these cheat codes:
motherland undead 01
motherland orc 01
motherland nightelf 01
motherland nightelfex 01
motherland humanex 01
motherland undeadex 01
motherland orcex 01

Each cheat code unlocks the first mission of the campaign.

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