Player slots - improved but not fixed!

I’m glad to see the new team at least tried to adress the previous terrible player slot “fix” in their new patch by finally counting computer players as occupied slots, however any system that just ignores closed slots is still a flawed one because you cannot tell how many slots are actually available, something that’s pretty damn important if you are a group of friends looking for a game. A map with 1 open slot and 5 closed ones will appear as having 6 slots available to join.

We (still) need system that both shows how many slots are available and how many actual players are in the map.

A simple way to do this would be to show [occupied slots]/[total slots] like before but with the number of players shown in a parentheses. So in the previously mentioned example a map with 3 players and 4 locked in computers out of 8 total slots would appear as 7/8 (3) where 3 denotes the number of slots that are occupied by players. There are other potential ways to do it but the important part is giving people a sense of how many slots are left, because you still can’t tell.