Patch is useless

Have you guys thought it could be your own settings? I messed around with my Nvdia settings and started desyncing. I’ve never had any desyncs happen to me before until I started changing around my Nvdia specs. Also I just remember and realized that Gsync and Vsync both on don’t do well together and I turned one of them off and use them individually and it got rid off some of the internal lag and choppiness, as I couldn’t figure out what was causing it. It’s best to use them individually and not both on. Gsync = using the max of your monitors fps while Vsync = limiting to the fps. Imagine those 2 conflicting each other. Gsync wants to go over while Vsync wants to limit it and they both internally conflict. It’s best to use them individually and if you use Gsync, it’s best to make sure all settings for Vsync ingame and Nvdia panel is off, while vice-versa for Gsync. Always research and look up Gsync and Vsync, what they do, which is superior and how they both can conflict with each other. Research and study kids.

Another problem is DDOS servers or perhaps old players returning due to the corona virus curfew and just mass logging on and Blizzard doesn’t know what to do anymore with the mass coming back lol. It’d be funny if Blizzard mistakes a huge amount of players returning as DDOS attacks lol!

Again latency is can be an important factor. You can have the most viable monitor settings in the world but latency might not be fast enough to catch up to it. That’s why we need our own servers as well as the worlds.

Blizzard needs to find patent players that don’t desync while testing it with their own pcs. Once they’ve gathered enough data to figure out what makes it not desync, then they can add it to recommended suggestions for pc settings or Nvdia.

Another important thing is to have the game actually lock it to or below whatever frame rate you choose. Even when I set my settings to 120, my fps skyrockets about 150-170 for some reason. More fps is good, but that could be the reason why it’s causing desyncs as well. High fps and slow servers/internet is open for hidden desyncs as they might not align for those moments when you desync. It’s also more of a choice or a need for people that can’t play sky-rocketing fps and also it’s doing what the settings you’re telling it to do.


Man do you know what is funny ? REforged graphic makes game desyns again again and again :smiley: all the tournaments are gonna be cats in clasic graph :smiley:

I have both of these settings off. thats def not it. I have good internet. good latency.

  • default normal settings.

I was so excited to see a patch up until i read the notes, I was expecting big change so it was a big let down for me :frowning:

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A DDOS is way more than a couple thousand connections.

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If the desyncs just happened a few days before or close around to the patch, it’s due to the DDOSING or influx of players flooding their own ISP’s.

I know a bit about DDOS but not enough to use it, or even want too for that matter. My questions is however, how are they attacking Blizzard servers? Are they literally getting into or hacking the mainframes or server and sending packets there? Are they sending the packets through the login parts of BNET or the game and logging on and off? I could only imagine that won’t work as the login process would stop automatically or the constant loading would be too inefficient. Are they ddosing it during ingame? or loading a custom game and remaining idle in it? If that’s the case, Blizzard could detect unusual activity of no unit movements yet game is running and be able to find out who the perpetrators are. DDosing from the lobby would be the hardest to detect if that’s the case, but even then, Blizzard would have some form of detection of unusual activity. I just can’t imagine loading packets out of nowhere without it by being in the game or breaking/hacking into the server. Even if they’re ingame, there’d be some implication of leaving some footprint or something wide-open. The DDOSERS themselves shouldn’t be able to play? Can they load packets from the forums themselves?

If the DDOSERS get caught and I hope they do, Blizzard would work with the enforcers, hand the details to their ISP and forward it to the police and the DDOSERS would be up for potential raid by the police and up for charges. They’d be up for huge fines, lose their pc and possible jail time. If they can do malicious things with their pc and disrupt a company that’s costing them huge amounts of money, they could be doing other illegal activities tied with it.

Also keep in mind, there use to be millions of subscribers or more back in the hey days for Blizzard, so yes, it would be more then a few thousand, but then again, we’d hear some exciting news about players returning to Blizzard or WoW.

DDOS is a pretty simple attack that doesn’t require that high of a technical knowledge to do and there are plenty of tools out there even if you don’t know what your doing. Basically you just find the IPs of the servers and start opening connections until the servers crash. There’s no hacking or anything special, realistically it’s the same thing that happens when millions of players try to log on at once. It blocks access for them also, they just find it funny.

Usually it’s just pissed off kids that think they are sending a message. Historically very few have ever been caught/prosecuted. But there have been a couple. Annoyingly it’s decently hard to protect against because the connections should look like legitimate users.

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What in the world kinda of useless patch is this???. Are you joking? Nothing works. And you are focusing on AUDIO? and INVISIBLE CRITTERS? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!. OVER A MONTH FOR THIS KIND OF *****.


Oh wow thanks for the info, it’s definitely good to know about it. I thought it was so tech savvy and everything.


false positive.
it is indeed a more than acceptable message.