Patch 2.0 Just Went Live

Just sucked down a 4.0 GB patch, and the in-game client now says No patch notes yet.


We are so back people!


I do have a Frozen Throne themed login screen. Dunno if that’s new or something I never noticed before. I bought the game once and never touched, waiting for patches.

game doesn’t work, there’s nothing in the Options and also there’s nothing in Campaign


At least you’ve gotten in!

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there’s literally nothing i can do

can’t change Options because there’s nothing there

can’t play Campaign because there’s nothing there

can’t even close the game, because when i click Exit nothing happens, have to alt+f4

yeah sure i can watch the background animation and hear the nostalgic music, it was cool for like 10 seconds…


It’s 2.0, yet all we get are graphical “improvements” (will have to see). No natives, no new mechanics, no map-limit upgrades, not even access to REAL classic version or RoC.

Uh… Classic HD graphics say hi. Much much improved.

Almost everything is improved. Theres still a lot I’d like to see but this update is… actually good.

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The game is technically supposed to be down for maintenance. But many people can still access it. so that probably explains things.

  1. That’s not real classic client.
  2. That’s not an improvement. The lightweight old graphics were just fine, thank you.

Bruh they changed more than that, look at the offical 2.0 statment on they put up like an hour ago.

Can’t connect

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I did. All I see are graphical improvements (including WC1 and 2) and a little multiplayer stuff. And?

Are you aware of how Game devoplment works? how testing works then finding the bug in code, then test and work with all the other items in play? How much time graphical rework takes? adding ambient lighting , MMR thats functinal to todays standard. then implement alot of the porting issues from MAc intel / Mac silicon? bruh They had soooooo much heat from the users for over a month. and they couldnt respond directly due to the 30th anni today. they had so many deadlines to go meet. Put yourself in their shoes imagen the stress anlthough they are still trying to get things fixed on release day. They are trying and doing. its their 30th dont be so rude and unappreciative.


I tried changing the region and it worked for me (Europe to America for exemple)

Would be good for you to take a step back & have a sip of your own medicine.
Your condescending & patronizing comment serves no purpose except to berate users who have justified criticism of the product.

Perhaps you should offer to pay for their game if you feel so inclined to tell others how to act when they are exercising their rights within the code of conduct & rules.

so i cant ask a question myself?, and layout a glimps of what the workload might be on the other side to the user? like wise how I took them as being rude and unappreciative, is how you took to me being condencinging and patronizing. I didnt say what they think is wrong Or they are less in any way. atleast thats not what my intention was, appologise if it came off like that. just trying to showcase what work was done and their perspective. and Moose youre right I shouldve reworded it to not come off in such a tone if thats how you percive it. Amigolt sorry if you felt attacked. (. I wont delete what was said, Becuase I belive the Blizz team is still working on their OKR’s while meeting a timeline thats probably set up to have bugs when released.) So they can Patronizing to BLizzard and another cant defend or speak sense? " That’s not an improvement. The lightweight old graphics were just fine, thank you." - AmigoLt

The Classics-“HD” graphics are the same literally. They don´t look at all as the shootscreen presented us earlier. Why?

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Have they at least removed the mass accounts? So we can actually deal with game ruiners?

I justbdidnthe update, the graphics updates are barely percievable, but the performance impact, my GOD. Until yesterday, I was able to play this game , on my gaming pc, on my separate desktop pc, and on my business laptop, now only my gaming pc is avle to run it…strange thing is, no matter how low I set the settings on my other desktop and on my laptop, it still laggy AF

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