No sound at all?

yes i have years ago!
I have deleted the file no difference , I have uninstalled the game and searched anything wc3 related and deleted it and then re installed , i have tried selecting different sound devices.

Were you already playing before purchase in classic mode?

If that’s the case, it may be the settings file was messed up. Deleting the War3Preferences.txt file in (Documents folder)\Warcraft III\ might correct this. Another possibility is the game is ouputting to the wrong sound device.

yes i have years ago!
I have deleted the file no difference , I have uninstalled the game and searched anything wc3 related and deleted it and then re installed , i have tried selecting different sound devices.

Just to be sure- I am referring to the Reforged version of the game, which you can play in “classic mode,” without buying it- not the old version of the game from before Reforged came out. Are we on the same page here?
Also just to verify the sound stuff-
If you’re on windows 10, go on the microsoft store and search for “EarTrumpet” - it’s a much improved alternative to the regular Windows volume control icon. When you click on it, it will break down all your sound inputs and outputs and show which programs are playing on each. It will look something like this-

using this you can verify that the game is actually transmitting or not, and on the device you actually hear your audio from (regardless of the in-game selection).

If the bar next to the game’s icon in EarTrumpet isn’t dancing up and down while the game is open, then it really isn’t sending any audio at all.

Also I know this sounds stupid but make sure that the sound effects and music checkboxes in the game’s Sound settings tab in the options are actually checked.