No news for 6 months has turned us into beasts

I’m cheerful that forums are to live free from the tyranny of robo-eggs.

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the plot to almost every Sonic the Hedgehog game


Reforged news are still in the process of being reforged. I therefore reforge my patience for lack of any reforged news.

You must be the game manager damn, were they bought by your company ‘Activision’ too?

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do you know what a Sega Genesis is

Sounds like a small indie companies series like Blizzard’s Warcraft and World Of Warcraft series

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would you like to know what a Sega Genesis is

I can guess that is a small indie companies series like Blizzard’s Warcraft and World Of Warcraft series

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That’s because you’ve always been a horrid person <3


At least you’re familiar enough with your own kind to be able to pick them out of a crowd.

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Hahaha don’t be mean to the kid, he’s almost first post in every thread, either he has no life or he’s getting paid, just let him be.


Birds of a feather, am I right?

He is paid man, he proved it alot of times before atleast he sees that nearly every member in the forums hate him.


Got a link to that proof or are we just going to keep making wild claims because you don’t like my opinions?

It really is just you, DeathlyGod, and I forgot about Sylvos for a while.

Hell you just need S3xytime or Mephistroth back to the be the 4th member and you guys can be the Beatles.

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Atleast we are better than your MajorOmeletteButcherHangover K-pop band


See, that’s an opinion though.

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That is also an opinion though


There’s no objective way to prove it one way or the other, sorry mate.

Unless you want to start to add qualifying factors to start judging, I guess.

Let’s add qualifying factors then

Be my guest, friend. You’re the one with the beef.