No news for 6 months has turned us into beasts

i feel rather concerned about it :upside_down_face:

Does your blizz daddy treat ya well , mouth full of glorification of latest patch ?
Lets hear it

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what does he mean by this

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aww someone is being naughty here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Why you turn everything in LGBTQ+ and sexual things :smiley:

It means i wanna see how deeply swallow goes. Whats bad sides of this patch , i wanna hear it from your mouth (Major,again you maniac xD , does this sound sexual -.-)

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i’m sorry could you repeat the question

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Advatanges and disatvatages of this PTR ? Briefing

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could you repeat the definition of PTR please

because that’s my job.

Nah you are afraid of duel . Would beat you to the ground.
Sleep well eggy boy, do research if you wanna be prepared for tomorrow s match ,caught you unprepared in the middle of the night

You deserve a special department in blizzard as representative of your kind.


can you use “PTR” in a sample sentence?

i'm flattered.

Mana Stones are the second resource. They can be collected from creeps or purchased at the Marketplace. Mana Stones are used to purchase additional heroes and hero skills.

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What does common sense have to do with patience?


We are born of the Reforged news. Made men by the Reforged news. Undone by the Reforged news. Our eyes are yet to open.

Fear the Reforged news.

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Even his onion eating guy which for he cried so much for his health doesn’t died :))

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You are a waste, mr.employee , I hope blizz fires you soon.


instructions unclear, please repeat statement

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At long last he proved that he is a robot cheers forum members!


just be careful and do the proper stretches before exercising full backpatting and other self-congratulatory maneuvers

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