No Custom Campaigns?

It is not immediately apparent where Custom Campaigns can be accessed and played for reforged. There is nowhere in the game menus where I can see that they are playable/accessable. Is the feature not available for Reforged?


there is literally a menu option on the left that says ā€œcustom gameā€ā€¦

There is no such thing called custom campaign, at least Iā€™ve never heard of that anyway. but you can play custom games.

been too long i donā€™t remember, but maybe they will put that in later. not sure. for now the game appears to be really broken anyway lol

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Yeah, I came to comment here on the lack of custom campaign, you still can make them in the map editor, so either this has been overlooked or coming in a later update


This was also one of the first things I looked for when I started the game. Iā€™m disappointed. Seems like a major classic feature that just got overlooked. Hope it gets patched in soon.


I am not buying it until they implement it.



I am not buying it until they implement it.

The god has spoken. I am glad we are on the same page.


Whatā€™s deeply disturbing to me is that, because the clients have been merged, you canā€™t go back to the vanilla mode to play them either. The ability to play custom campaigns just seems gone.


if there is downvote button,you would have been downvoted to the pit of hell


I tried looking for it too, I want to play that Orc mini campaign in which Thrallā€™s ship is stranded on that island during the storm.

Also, Iā€™m feeling some HARD nostalgia for the Dwarf campaign, that came out when I was in the 7th grade and it was mad hype for me and my friends.


Donā€™t drop your hopes yet, but likewise here Mate,
I made another post with Bugfixes/Suggestions to combat this and make them implement Custom Campaigns ASAP

Thatā€™s part of the actual campaign now, doubtful itā€™s gonna be part of the game even when/if custom campaigns are added back

I have the original W3, (I downloaded before reforged came out, its saved in a zip file and it still works fine if you run directly from The game itself. I was playing a Custom campaign last night on it. I figured Iā€™d get around to reforged when they fixed it. I didnā€™t steal it, I would like to add! any employee can check my account and see I own both games.

BLIZZARD! Make custom campaigns option and REMAKE the original campaigns the way u wantedā€¦ with the help of Christie golden!

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I also want to have Custom Campaigns, but what does this have to do with Christie golden?

I think there was some article stating she was involved in rewriting WC3. I might be wrong. In any case, she actually has rewritten the WC3 story in some novels. Iā€™ve only read Rise of the Lich King and that was OK.