No abre en Mac el juego

No inicia el juego en Mac m1

No les importa, no han dado ni un estimado, y básicamente nos están quitando un juego por el cual pagamos!

revert the patch!

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Por lo visto, esperan que nos compremos un ordenador nuevo sĂłlo para jugar al juego por el que hemos pagado. wtf

how? does it work?

No, it’s neither Bliz taking anything away, nor do people have to buy new computers.

It’s a known issue that Bliz is currently working on to resolve.

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Sarcasm and figures of speech aren’t your strong suit, are they bud?
If you can’t play a game on Mac, you need to get a PC to play it on.

Despite playing dumb so you can add to your 2000+ posts on the forum with this drivel, you know what we’re referring to when saying “they’re stealing the game we paid for” or “they expect us to buy a new computer.”


When the nuance of my native language is missing, yes, DPend. Since this was in a language other than my own, I don’t have the luxury of reading between the lines, nor does it allow me to “play dumb”, whatever that means here. So, no, I don’t know what you mean when you say those things in another language, other than the literal translation.

So with all that squared away, I’ll point to your comprehnsion skills: the crux of my post wasn’t about stealing or new computers, you know, the sarcasm and figures of speech you so dutifully point out. The purpose was to point out that Bliz has acknowledged the issue and is working on it, the important part of this whole thing. But somehow, you glazed right past that to whine about the inconsequential.

That’s something any rational thinking person would know, Dpend. I’d be careful with accusing others of “drivel”, at least until you get your comprehension up to snuff.

Finally, post count. So cliche. All you’ve done is demonstrate that you have nothing of substance to address, so you attacked something completely irrelevant to the topic. But to spell it out for you, as a contracted volunteer for the Blizzard forums, of course I and those like me are going to have a high post count.

Si no hablas el idioma no te metas a traducir sin un contexto de la cultura y como nos comunicamos. Para que venis aca a responder en ingles un thread en español?

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Sorry, but that’s ridiculous. Expecting everyone to go learn cultural context before they translate something is unreasonable.

And the reason I answered a spanish post in english is because this is an english speaking forum. If people want to converse solely in spanish, there’s a spanish speaking forum. Even if I had answered in spanish (using a translator), it wouldn’t have changed anything in this thread.

So the question now is, why are you making posts in spanish on an english speaking forum?

hola como estas !! que se sabe de este problema de W3 en las Mac

Nada todavía, Blizzard no ha dado updates ni indicios de nada…

Blizzard gives 3 options to Mac users:

  • Ask refund
  • Wait, maybe forever
  • Buy PC

Make your choice

I asked for a refund and was told no… they don’t care

Then there are only 2 options left.