New patch causes game to crash upon starting


The new patch just dropped. This is now updated, but the game now consistently crashes when booting. I run the game via the launcher, get the lion-head and then when it pushes me through to the main menu, before the main menu becomes opaque the game crashes into an unexpected error.

I have tried rebooting, to no avail.
More people experience this or have suggestions to work around this?

Edit: going by discord friends, other forum posts and discord communities this appears that “at minimum this issue is wide spread throughout the player base”. In more practical terms: not everyone but a vast majority seems affected.

Edit 2:
NVIDIA users report that updating drivers may resolve the problem.
It did so for me.

However, we can’t search for games or invite friends for team games.


Same here. Game is completely unplayable.

I have the same. Game crashes on start up. Needs to be resolved ASAP!

It worked the first time. Second time an onwards not anymore, just like OP is describing.

i7 13700KF
RTX 4070 Ti

edit: I updated my nvidia drivers. Its working now.

Same here. Crashing on start up

Same here mate

I updated my nvidia drivers. Its working now. (for the first time in history updating drivers actually did something)

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yes. They release a new patch fixing a bug that player can play it normally, avoiding criticizing their new patch.

updated nvidia driver, now it does not crash on start up
2080 super

Game is working now for me. Fixed itself

Same here (old Wc3 Version / Not Reforged):

  1. Starting the Game
  2. Clicking on “Download Update” Button
  3. Window closing and nothing happens

How is it possible to screw this up so badly? Test It Once!

I think after clicking on the download button it’s downloading in the background…i saw a bit later a small popup icon on the right bottom windows corner and now its working

edit: i also updated my nvidia drivers at the same time, so no clue if this was resolving the issue. Has to be updated anyway always.

I cannot play the game and crashes when I load it to play.

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I tried to login and start a game. Everything runs normal, no crash, no problems, all normal.

What worked for me is.

  1. start scan and repair.
  2. cancel start and repair
  3. boot game