New 1,2 GB patch just release

Just downloaded a 1,2 GB patch. Anyone notice anything new let us know.


No new patch notes

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Fixed a melee 4v4 map Kappa

still no ladder(?

Maybe critter footprints Pog


Did you get the download too? The patch number is the same so i don’t know why it started downloading again…

looks like ladder is like hl3


Banewood Bog_LV is added back to the 4v4 Versus map pool. You were right

Hotfixes -- March 23, 2020 what a lovely day…

They converted my old reign of chaos/frozen throne install to the “reforged” edition. Great…thanks…

its a hotfix

not a patch

lol a 1 GB “hotfix”

this is basically a patch…

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It’s still inexcusable to not deliver features that were in the base game by now.

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so my custom map bug will only get fixed if it’s popular, got it :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a reason that when I click on Versus it disconnects me?

Technically what happened was 1.32.3 broke the specific unit event “unit acquires item”. All such triggers would not work correctly and so the maps that relied on them were broken. SWAT Aftermath was the ground zero example where the bug was discovered but without a doubt other maps will have been effected.

This hotfix fixed that bug. Restoring behaviour of the event to what it always has been.

I was being facetious, I was not suggesting it wasn’t a good fix or anything like that.