Naga Race For Warcraft III: Reforged

Naga Hero Unit - 1 Out Of 7 Naga Heroes

Note: This version of the Naga Sea Witch is different in two ways. One: she has plasma shields as alternative hit points, and two: instead of having Mana Shield, the Naga Sea Witch has a spell called Frost Necrolatry instead, so this is NOT the same Hero as the current Naga Sea Witch.

Hero Name: Naga Sea Witch
Primary Hero Abilities: Forked Lightning, Frost Arrow, Frost Necrolatry, Tornado
Secondary Hero Abilities: Water Walker

Naga Sea Witch - Mystical Hero that is adapt at ranged combat. Can learn Forked Lightning, Frost Arrow, Frost Necrolatry, and Tornado. Has 60% shield points, but 40% hit points, regenerates 1 shield point per second when out of combat for 8 seconds by default, regenerates 7.75 hit points per second but has 60 less overall total health by default.

Color 1 = ???H/???S/???B
Color 2 = ???H/???S/???B

Naga Sea Witch Information

The Naga Sea Witch is an exceptionally powerful Hero. While she isn’t a great melee fighter, the Sea Witch is useful for ranged assaults and staying back behind the melee units in battle. The Naga Sea Witch is a great Hero and unit killer, mainly because of two of her spells: Frost Necrolatry, and Frost Arrows both which can be used to Frost-Cold combo an enemy unit with super slow effects, which most likely prevents enemies from fleeing battles, and by the time the other player realizes their Hero is almost dead, it will be too late and they’ll be too slow to run away. (The Frost Necrolatry spell has many up and down effects, which will be explained later, as you read).

Next, is the Naga Sea Witch’s Forked Lightning spell that is great at delivering high damage to enemy Heroes or clumped enemy units with this spell. She should target one of the most powerful enemies first, to make sure it is hit by the lightning. Just make sure you are close enough to three enemy units when casting Forked Lightning, because unlike Chain Lightning, the Naga Sea Witch must be within range for all three enemy targets.

Now, Frost Necrolatry has a lot of multiple effects. For one the spell can be cast upon a friendly unit or against an enemy unit. Second, the targeted unit becomes invulnerable at the cost of that unit’s life once this spell’s 200 seconds duration runs out. Depending on the situation, this spell for example may be useful on enemy expansions that are highly defended and you may either want to kill the enemy workers over there if only few units are buffed with this spell or destroy the enemy defenses if (more than) enough friendly combat units are buffed to get rid of this vain built enemy expansion with the invulnerable half-dead units.

Another situation to use Frost Necrolatry is to cast it on enemy units during losing battle situations in team Ladder games if when your team losses a major battle then you can still cast this spell on a whole bunch of enemy units especially on advanced enemy units to kill very most of them in a short while later while those enemy units only keeps attacking the defeated ally player(s)’ buildings. Remember that one cast of Necrolatry is only 50 mana (for all spell levels), and if the Naga Sea Witch has for example over 400 mana then he can cast upon 8 enemy units to eventually take those enemy units permanently out of action, so use this to your advantage! Also, an enemy unit under the effects of Frost Necrolatry is also slowed by 15%, so keep that in mind as this can affect a friendly unit too.

Another use of Frost Necrolatry is to instantly kill a low hit point unit. If there is for example a near dead enemy unit having exactly 140 or 280 or 420 hit points (depending on the level of the spell) and you use this spell, that enemy unit instantly dies ignoring spell damage reduction.

Another use of Frost Necrolatry is to add frost attacks on friendly units that you want buffed. However, only buff enough friendly units for the job of enemy units that you want slowed and destroyed now, but not go overboard that you end up losing more units than the enemy. If you want to kill enemy Heroes using frost shock from buffed units, it is not a very good idea, but it may work sometimes.

You can also buff your units to attack air units since buffed units with Frost Necrolatry can gain basically an ‘Orb of Frost’ attack.

And lastly, Frost Necrolatry can also change the attack type of the buffed unit to have Chaos damage. There are two other major ways to use Frost Necrolatry on attacker units either offensively or defensively. One method is on friendly non-Demon ranged units to deal 100% damage versus enemy Heroes, and of course against enemy buildings themselves. Masses of Mortar Teams that has Chaos damage and with enough damage upgrades might instantly able to kill enemy Heroes in one attack from each Chaos-buffed Mortar Teams, imagine that! This can also work similarly with Chaos-buffed air units too that try to kill enemy Heroes out of the game! Using on casters with Magic attacks is not such a good idea, but at least they be able to attack spell immune units… As for casting Frost Necrolatry on the enemy, it is only wise to cast them upon enemy melee units only with Normal attacks in very most cases to lower their attack damage down to two-third against friendly ranged units’ Medium armor so they take only 100% damage instead of 150%, but since enemy units does becomes invulnerable as well; only cast it upon 1 or 2 enemy units to lower their attack damage.

In most cases you must determine much ahead of time during a major battle NEAR a main enemy base in team Ladder games whenever you and your allies will either lose or win that major battle near that main enemy base, so if you know that you are losing that major battle then cast Frost Necrolatry upon your allies’ units as soon as possible to turn the tides in your favor. But if you are winning battles, then don’t use this spell as this will at that point will do more harm than good.

You can also give the Naga Sea Witch speed boosting items such as Gloves of Haste and Boots of Speed that add to her quickness in and out of combat by combining this with Frost Arrows.

Frost Necrolatry cannot be used on Heroes.

The Naga Sea Witch’s Mana Shield has been removed in favor of casting Frost Necrolatry instead since it also automatically protects the Naga Sea Witch by default using mana as health when taking fatal blows from attacks and damage spells. This passive ability cannot be turned off or deactivated. This additional passive skill is based exactly from Mana Shield per level.

When the Naga Sea Witch gets to Hero Level 6, she can effectively destroy enemy buildings when the Tornado Ultimate spell is learned. Tornado can be stopped with a number of enemy spells, but most players won’t act in time to stop the Naga Sea Witch from using it with maximum efficiency. The main use of Tornado is to destroy buildings. Tornado does extreme damage to nearby buildings, light damage to buildings in the general vicinity, slows units by a large amount, and tosses nearby units and Heroes up into the air randomly. If you put Tornado between two buildings, you can get a large damage rate split between them. Tornado is “siege for free” in that you can generally kill all of their towers with it. Tornado brings units to minimum speed unless they are speed 350 or faster. There are only a few units in the game that have that kind of speed. Tornado also slows air units, unlike Earthquake. The Tornado slow area is 600. Tornado tosses units every 3 seconds, and the toss lasts for 12 seconds. Tornado cyclones a particular unit once every 22 seconds. The Tornado’s speed is 75, and that means that Tornado more or less disables 4 units continuously. It can also toss Heroes and break channel spells potentially.

Overall, the Naga Sea Witch can be a good first primary Hero, or a second
supportive Hero especially with Forked Lightning and Frost Necrolatry learned.

Forked Lightning (Spell / Smartcast) - Calls forth a cone of lightning to damage enemies. Hits a maximum of 3 units.
Level 1 - 110 MP Cost, 85 Damage, 600 Cast Range. Target: Land, Air, Enemy, Neutral, Organic. 11 Seconds Cooldown.
Level 2 - 110 MP Cost, 160 Damage, 600 Cast Range. Target: Land, Air, Enemy, Neutral, Organic. 11 Seconds Cooldown.
Level 3 - 110 MP Cost, 250 Damage, 600 Cast Range. Target: Land, Air, Enemy, Neutral, Organic. 11 Seconds Cooldown.

Frost Arrow (Spell / Allcast / Autocast Off) - Adds a cold effect to each attack, slowing a target enemy unit’s attacks and movement.
Level 1 - 10 MP Cost, +5 Bonus Damage, 30% Slowed Attack Rate, 30% Slowed Movement Speed, 5 (1.5) Seconds Duration. Target: Land, Air, Enemy, Neutral. 700 Cast Range, No Cooldown.
Level 2 - 10 MP Cost, +10 Bonus Damage, 50% Slowed Attack Rate, 50% Slowed Movement Speed, 5 (1.5) Seconds Duration. Target: Land, Air, Enemy, Neutral. 700 Cast Range, No Cooldown.
Level 3 - 10 MP Cost, +15 Bonus Damage, 70% Slowed Attack Rate, 70% Slowed Movement Speed, 5 (1.5) Seconds Duration. Target: Land, Air, Enemy, Neutral. 700 Cast Range, No Cooldown.

Frost Necrolatry (Spell / Smartcast / Autocast Off - Skill / Inactive To Active) - Permanently causes invulnerability status upon an organic unit, but when the timer reaches zero the unit dies. Lower hit point units targeted by this spell instantly dies. Also adds frost damage onto the attacker unit that lasts for 3 seconds against attacked units. Also adds an aerial attack onto the attacker unit. Also adds Chaos damage onto the attacker unit. Also slows down the targeted unit’s movement speed by 15%. Cannot be dispelled. Autocast function automatically targets enemies with low health. This status effect lasts for 200 seconds. Cannot be used on Heroes and on Creeps above level 5. When the Hero takes fatal damage this spell automatically uses mana as additional health until it runs out of mana.
Level 1 - 50 MP Cost, 200 Seconds Duration Invulnerability And Counts Down Until The Organic Unit Dies, +500 Attack Range Aerial Attack, Instant Death If -140 Hit Points Left, Adds 3 (2) Seconds Frost Damage Onto Attacks, Adds Chaos Damage Onto Attacks, 15% Slowed Movement Speed, Cannot Be Dispelled, Autocasts On Enemies, 1200 Cast Range, 1 Second Cooldown. Target: Enemy, Friend, Land, Air, Organic, Non-Hero. Cannot Be Used On +6 Level Creeps. Bonus Passive Skill: -25 Maximum MP Cost, 2 Damage Absorbed Per Point Of MP When Taking Fatal Damage.
Level 2 - 50 MP Cost, 200 Seconds Duration Invulnerability And Counts Down Until The Organic Unit Dies, +500 Attack Range Aerial Attack, Instant Death If -280 Hit Points Left, Adds 3 (2) Seconds Frost Damage Onto Attacks, Adds Chaos Damage Onto Attacks, 15% Slowed Movement Speed, Cannot Be Dispelled, Autocasts On Enemies, 1200 Cast Range, 1 Second Cooldown. Target: Enemy, Friend, Land, Air, Organic, Non-Hero. Cannot Be Used On +6 Level Creeps. Bonus Passive Skill: -25 Maximum MP Cost, 3 Damage Absorbed Per Point Of MP When Taking Fatal Damage.
Level 3 - 50 MP Cost, 200 Seconds Duration Invulnerability And Counts Down Until The Organic Unit Dies, +500 Attack Range Aerial Attack, Instant Death If -420 Hit Points Left, Adds 3 (2) Seconds Frost Damage Onto Attacks, Adds Chaos Damage Onto Attacks, 15% Slowed Movement Speed, Cannot Be Dispelled, Autocasts On Enemies, 1200 Cast Range, 1 Second Cooldown. Target: Enemy, Friend, Land, Air, Organic, Non-Hero. Cannot Be Used On +6 Level Creeps. Bonus Passive Skill: -25 Maximum MP Cost, 4 Damage Absorbed Per Point Of MP When Taking Fatal Damage.

Tornado (Spell / Smartcast) - Summons a fierce controllable Tornado that slows enemy units’ movement speed, randomly tosses enemy ground units into the air and damages enemy buildings. The Tornado does 50 damage per second to buildings under it, and 7 damage per second to buildings in its general vicinity. Lasts 40 seconds.
Level 6 - 200 MP Cost, 50 Direct Enemy Building Damage, 7 Area Of Effect Enemy Building Damage, 12 (6) Seconds Toss Duration, 60% Enemy Movement Speed Reduction, 275.00 AOE Damage / Toss, 650 AOE Slow Movement, 900 Cast Range, 120 Seconds Cooldown.


lmao this essay for something the blizzard devs will never lay eyes on


ehm you just descripe what we do have for 20 years…and ? Idea of new race is awesome but what do you have more than one hero from tawern ?


Didn’t read.



The reason I didn’t put up new ideas yet is because I contacted Pete Stillwell of the Warcraft III development team and submitted the ideas to him directly.

And since there is the possibility - albeit small possibility that I might get banned for submitted the ideas here on the forum, so instead I will wait to put the ideas here until a few days later or maybe never, we wait and see, depending on the situation…

Can we have the map files too to test for feedback?


good idea ! New race sounds to me like music of rly far future but I can imagine one thing. After they will finish reforged as it supposed to be ( as They promised at the beggining ) They can make a event for ideas with new race of some other features in Reforged. The winner would win some bigger amount and we would have cool new fresh game.
Ofc according to effort and silence from this company about this game I am not very positive about that but well… that could be a way to repair their bad steps and failure and bring some more ppl into game.

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MomoiroCrose all over again… sadly.


:grinning: hahah

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You need greate new mod or new map in NAGA …

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Its the same dude, different account