My PC keeps crashing

Insufficient RAM will not cause a computer to shutoff. If the Kernel runs out of free memory then a BSoD will occur with an appropriate error code. By the time the kernel runs out of memory it is highly likely that most user space applications will either be frozen or have crashed due to insufficient memory.

Topic creator did not specify if they are suffering from their computer shutting off when playing, or BSoDing when playing. An example of shutting off would be if PSU overcurrent protection gets tripped. An example of BSoD would be due to a driver crash. They will need to describe the symptoms in more detail for more relevant advice.

He said his whole PC crashes. Idk, I take that to mean that his computer…crashes. Either BSOD or shutoff. And yea, you’re right about insufficient RAM. I was thinking more along the lines of RAM sticks not fully-seated or something.

You’re right that he’ll have to describe, in more detail, what happens.

ram is compsated for with disk space(virtual memory) so, if ram is used up, there will be a lot more harddrive activity. that does however cause slowdowns but, not crashes. some pcs however is released with power supplies that is too weak for the hardware. i do not however know what it does if hardware tries to draw too much power but, i suspect that it might cause a crash. as for ram not being fully seated: that prevents the system from using the ram at all.

Usually it trips the overcurrent protection in the PSU. This makes the computer seem to just turn itself off spontaneously. The OS will also log this as a power interrupt event.

I dont have hardware issues, it is Reforged related.
I play various games that require beast mode of hardware, none of them make any issues.

I even made a new topic with another update:

That sounds as a typical GPU overheating.
I had the same issue once with a NVidia card and it was a driver related problem.
There are programs to check the temperature of your gpu under stress, they are free, try one of those and see what happens. The fact that it doesn’t happen with WoW is simply because WoW has been made by proper programmers maybe^^

Something is wrong with Reforged, that is the fact. Some people say that is temperature related, driver or my aunt Merry, well it is not. You guys(forum people) are tripping balls that I was born yesterday and that I don’t know what is what. I have 25 years of experience with computers.

only 25? got a long way to go it seems…

We gave you some hints, it’s up to you to use them.
According to your original question the halting problem is the one that fits most.

Simple as that my GPU is not overheating. Rofl

Cannot compare one game to the other due to them generating different workloads. Run TES Oblivion on a 8800 GT and it works perfectly when running maxed out, but run StarCraft II on the 8800 GT and if it has stock cooling it will either crash or the VRM will literally explode. Many other non-Blizzard games will do the same now but StarCraft II was the first well known and most notorious one. Newer GPUs have protection built in to handle this kind of workload safely.

User level applications cannot accidently make a system unstable or crash. If it appears they do then there is something wrong with the system, be it hardware or drivers.

Have you tried a graphic driver update? Might also be worth power limiting it to test if it is a power delivery or VRM issue. The amount of power a GPU uses varies depending on the workload being run with some games hitting GPU bottlenecks without the GPU getting that warm while others the GPU is power, current or thermal throttling heavily. An example of this is the “power virus” stress test furmark which is often used for overclock stability testing due to its tendency to load GPUs to their maximum power capabilities in a way few gaming workloads get close.

My pc crashed while i was in daemonic sword

how many fans do your graphics card have? i have had 2 graphics cards with only 1 fan crash.

Fan count does not inherently make a GPU less reliable. It is entirely possible for GPUs to run with passive (no fan) cooling as long as the resulting thermals are reasonable. Reasonable thermals can be achieved with better cooling or by lower GPU power limits.

i have a lot of experience with graphics cards. the ones with 2 fans have never crashed but, the ones with 1 fan crash a lot. my gtx 660 ti was particulary unstable. it eventually fried. it had one small fan. blizzard`s games is badly optimised and tends to push the graphics cards to their limits.

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I ran HotS on effectively a 0 fan GPU for over an hour before I realised the fans were stuck and not spinning. No crash, no loss in performance and I still use the GPU to this day. As mentioned it is all about how well the cooling is designed. You can get 3 fan GPUs that overheat because all 3 fans do nothing to cool it down or a 0 fan GPU that never overheats because it can keep itself passively cool. Some GPUs even turn their fans off under no load.

Badly or well? Pushing something to its limits is usually a sign of good optimization as they are using every bit of performance available. For example SC2/HotS push GPUs quite hard but also have very good performance as a result. Few people have GPU bottlenecks playing SC2/HotS.

starcraft 2 is different from diablo 3. diablo 3 puts most of its load on the gpu while starcraft 2 puts most of its load on the cpu, causing my i7-2600 to generate a lot of heat. that forced me to reduce its power. to get maximum performance on starcraft 2 i needed an rtx gpu, as even the gtx 1080 ti had performance problems. no graphics cards have ever crashed for me in starcraft 2 but, 2 graphics cards have crashed in diablo 3.

@DrSuperGood - Dude please just get it. My GPU is not overheating. My drivers are up to date. I have GPU temperature on my screen. Reforged crashes “cold” GPU in 10 minutes. It is Reforged related issue.

If you have tech exp it should not be hard to figure out. Test on different hardware form your network to narrow down if its your router /isp or the box I would think the clean windows itself the clean install of windows took care of the software side already which is not encouraging. I do know they made a change where my router stopped being able to host lan and I have to use a switch it could be your ISP i would ask them if they have open all the right ports or open them yourself if they allow self management. Next test another computer that works with reforged on your network if that works we are down to hardware incompatibilities or driver incompatibilities dying ram stick flipping bits etc.

It’s probably his monitor at this point^^

So to confirm you have tried running Furmark and that is completely stable (no crash after a similar period of time that Warcraft III has, no visual artefacts)? And tried lowering the power limits of the GPU to rule out PSU issues? If so then It must be some other miscellaneous hardware issue that is hard to diagnose.