Multiplyer in W3R

Hello i have problem with current versin of w3. when i click on find a match in multiplayer nothing happen

Game saw you coming and doesnt like you

all seriousness heres some things you can try

→ If you’re connecting via EU, try connecting via NA and see if it works
→ If you’re queuing for Unranked, try queueing for Ranked instead. Nobody plays unranked.
→ if it previously worked, just wait a while and try again. Sometimes the server goes through phases where it doesn’t want anyone to play. If you join a custom game and it works, this is the likely situation.
→ Try using a VPN. This can be a quick fix for a lot of network relate issues.
→ Make sure game is allowed in windows firewall and that your router/firewall isn’t otherwise getting in the way.

Same here…

well I queued in all modes aside FFA and got pops in them so it isn’t the server. It has been the server on more than one occasion in the last few weeks but not this time. In this case unfortunately it’s either the EU gateway being the EU gateway (if you’re both from EU) or it’s something either on your end (settings) or on the path your connection is taking to reach the server (which can be worked around with a VPN)

This persists since a long time > 2 years now.
Blizzard should REMOVE that and other non- useful options like 2v2.
Why they did not do that ? Little bit of cleanup?