Mixed Up Classic and Reforged Sound in german

Today i tried the new Patch.
At first i was really happy cause i heard some of the german Classic Sounds. A feature i really was looking forward to.
The problem is, that reforged and Classic sounds are now mixed up (at least in german language)

The old Voicelines do appear for the Main Speaker (Not enough gold, building complete, units being attacked etc.) Also worker when a building is done or when they cant place a building are the old voicelines, but when you click on them the new Soundlines are there. The Mixed Up Sounds are a little bit annoying.

It also doenst matter if i activate or deactivate Classic Sounds the mixed Voicelines are still there. The Classic Sound-Toggle seems to work for deathsounds. So if i turn it on i get also the old deathsounds.

I don’t have the time do figure out every sound which is classic or reforged, can just say that it is a little bit messy and incomplete atm especially by the voicelines cause the toggle doesn’t change them.

The Classic Sounds are also a lot quieter. Don’t know if that fit to the volume of the other sounds, but that is another point for later and maybe not the problem if there are consistent classic or reforged sounds.

I like the way, to bring back the old soundfiles, but hope you can fix that soundchaos next year :slight_smile:


Did you manage to fix it somehow?

I too just discovered this option (which is, by the way, still not properly localized), and I have the same issue.

The demon hunter for example still has the new voice.

A lot of bugs that need fixing…

Still no changes or something like a workaround. The option in the menu doesn’t change anything, and the soundfiles are still mixed up.
Maybe most player don’t care that much about the sounds, but i can’t play with that muddle.