Matching EU players with Koreans

Why is this even a thing? 2024 and you are matching people from the 2 opposite sides of the entire globe man.
There is no integrity whatsoever to the ladder when one side is playing on 300 ping.
Can you figure out basic networking and hosting after 20 or so years or no?
Absolutely wild there are 2019 threads about this and it’s still the same. This game had better multiplayer when it ran on third party sites and pirated clients. Shameful.


Its a thing so everyone can play with the comparatively small player pool plus too many different queues. If matchmaking wasn’t global it would take a very long time to find matches particularly for some modes. And during development they made the decision that it was better to have games with lag than no games at all.

It’s not a game on 300 ping it’s an auto loss. Me as a player should have the agency of getting qued into that or not. I’m leaving those games anyway like most sane people.
What actually makes que time longer is playerbase split between w3c and battlenet because Blizz can’t figure out BASIC things.


lol its definitely not an auto loss, ive beaten my fair share of Chinese players. it feels like your units are being dragged through mud, sure, but it’s not nearly as bad as if you were playing an FPS with that kind of ping.

Again, if matching wasn’t global, those players probably wouldn’t find games at all, and wait times for EU players would be longer.

I’m okay waiting for a decent ping game which should be a given going by any kind of logic, instead of getting a game that wastes my time AND mmr.
Matching people with 300 ping isn’t gonna make the game less dead, on the contrary it just infuriates people and will rather que an hour long on w3c while watching a movie or something.
I mean que time is fast as it is anyway, few minutes tops, so why match me INSTANTLY with a korean? At least search a few minutes in EU first like wtf.


You might be and that’s fine. But some people would rather play the game than not play it at all. Why are your desires more important than theirs?

Most people are not willing to wait an hour for a game, as you suggested. Most would simply dequeue and play something else, which makes the game a lot more dead than the occasional game with a high ping.

Because in a competitive game you are supposed to have an equal playing field. Lack of playerbase is not an excuse to skew the whole game in favour of one side. It’s like I’m playing chess without a queen and you are like : well be happy man you are at least playing. No thanks.
Most people just insta leave these games anyway, can’t imagine having fun this way.

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I disagree. Because if no one can play, there’s no reason for the game to exist at all. And in terms of equal playing field, ping is never equal between all participants. Not even on W3C with its larger number of servers. Sure, the gap is usually smaller, but it’s never equal- in no small part because ping fluctuates over time. So I can’t really accept your argument because even if we exclude the Asia gateway, there’s still going to be significant ping variances between players.

Even within the NA gateway there are two servers on each coast, so every game is going to be “skewed” towards players on one side or the other.

Ultimately, ping cannot be made equal among all palyers, so this can’t be a standard to juidge these games by. Also, bad ping is in no way equivalent to not having a particular playing piece in chess. That would be more like you starting a game without a town hall or any peasants.

Also: Not everyone treats “Ranked” as a competition, they are simply queuing there because most players are using it and not the unranked mode- Even if you don’t specifically care about competition, generally games will be higher quality in Ranked.

There is a difference between barely noticeable differences of ping, and 300 ms which is more like you are playing against the game itself rather than your opponent. I don’t know about the US but you can match me with anyone from the EU and it’s gonna be sub 50, at that point it doesn’t matter.
The problem is, it doesn’t even TRY to first match correctly, it just throws in whatever player it can find.
There should be some kind of preference instead of throwing me into the dirt which I’m gonna leave anyway so who is winning in this situation? Nobody.

There is, yes, but you said all games need to be equal, and ping cannot be made equal. That’s an absolute.

And generally, the system does in fact prefer matching people in the same region. It only expands the search after some time passes.

This is a common practice across games with matchmaking. You start with a narrow search and gradually expand it until you find a match. Thus, you can be sure that said person in the Asia region had already been waiting for a certain amount of time before it decided to look to the other regions to find players.

I understand how you feel but matchmaking is never going to be perfect- even in a more popular game with more servers in more places.

Technically it can’t be equal but if both players are sub 50 ping it’s not gonna be even a slight factor, since animations, turn rates and commands are slow in the game. This is not league of legends where u can tell 10 ping from 50.

That should be a two-way street tho.

It’s not asking for perfection it’s asking for the bare minimum. I do not know a single game in todays age that you play on 300 ping. This is some 2005 vibes.

Frankly I don’t think this is ever really as bad as you’re making it out to be. 300ms is still only three tenths of a second, it doesn’t feel great bu t it’s hardly unplayable. You basically admitted with the quote below that this isn’t a twitch action game that demands the same level of precision as such a game:

I cant tell 10 ping from 50 anywhere, much less on LoL. at 60fps, a frame is about 17ms, so this is 2-3 frames, which is within the typical range of input lag and thus pretty imperceptible.

The real issue here is there aren’t enough server locations. Unfortunately that’s unlikely to change because that costs money and this game does not make money. But I don’t think making it substantially harder for people in a particular region to play the game is fair either.

Actually there are no games with lags. Lagger just leaves in any mode.