Map files installed to root folder

I am having a chain of issues that I assume are all related.

On installing a clean copy of WC3 to E:/Program Files all of the map files appear in the root E:/ folder instead of in D:/user/documents/warcraft III

I am running multiple hard drives and my C drive is an SDD for the Win 10 OS only.

When loading WC3 I cannot queue for a versus game, the search button doesn’t activate a queue, and when trying to host custom games the game crashes. I assume this is because it cannot find the map placement.

This hasn’t been an issue with SC2 or any other game. Is there any way to point WC3 maps to the appropriate folder?


I’m having the same issue. Did you find a fix for it?

I’ve got the same thing on maps updated on 23/Aug. 19 folders installed for each map. Has Blizzard fixed this? If I delete those folders, will it recreate them in the right place?

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Same issue. After the new update, i cannot queue for versus game.
Any solution ?

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