Map Editor Crash with custom models

I cannot load maps with imported custom models in the editor, it just hangs and crash after some time. I cant work on maps i used to work on now. Also to note that i use reforged graphics. Please help idk how to fix this and its been like this for a while… blizz doesnt seem to care at all.

try removing the custom models with an mpq editor and then loading in the editor after

but can i still use those custom models tho with this method?

if they’re crashing the editor, I’d say no

is there some way to fix the issue? I just dont know what to look for, i see other people creating maps with custom assets in reforged all the time. Im on the latest Version

not sure, I’d try asking in the hive workshop discord, but some custom models are badly made and can crash (but that might not be the case here and this could just be a blizz issue anyway but idk)

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