Make it possible for alliance workers to be hidden in farms

You’re splitting hairs, you absolutely did say that. The meaning is clear in your words. I can give you some slack if English is a second language for you but using something like Google Translate often loses some of the unwritten meaning that is often present in the things people say.

In the end though, your intended meaning really does not support your argument. And it logically doesn’t make sense to balance the game solely for the 10 most serious players playing for money. No. It makes far more sense to balance in a way that makes the game more fun for everyone, not just the people I can count on one hand who play for money.

You don’t have to exclude either group from balance. It is entirely possible to balance for both, League of Legends has made it a point to attempt to do so with the best of their ability, noting in their patch details what subset of their playerbase a specific change is trying to target.

League has a serious pro scene with big money at stake, especially compared to War3. But they still tend to target other groups in their balance updates, as long as those updates don’t negatively impact the pro scene. Take a look at this patch notes summary for the previous LoL patch:

In the nerfs section in particular, all of the altered champions are listed with a color code indicating what player group the champion is being nerfed for. These balance changes are also made in such a way as to avoid impacting the non-listed groups in a bad way.

League has shown time and time again that it is possible to make adjustments for the benefit of everyone, even with a big pro scene.

You’re splitting hairs, you absolutely did say that.

No, I didn’t. I said that when the balance was changed in Dota, it became better and better until it reached the ceiling of popularity.
I didn’t say or mean that she CONTINUES to become more popular in the present tense.
If Google translator translated it like this, then it is Google translator’s error and not mine.

And it logically doesn’t make sense to balance the game solely for the 10 most serious players playing for money. No. It makes far more sense to balance in a way that makes the game more fun for everyone, not just the people I can count on one hand who play for money.

The fact that there are no Warcraft tournaments in America does not mean that they are not held internationally and in other countries. In other countries and internationally they are much more popular and are held almost every week. Go to the channel “Back 2 Warcraft” and see what is the frequency of international tournaments on their channel and what is the frequency of video releases on Warcraft there

In Europe, Russia, South Korea, China, Warcraft tournaments with prize money are very popular, and in these countries they are held much more often with the participation of players from all other countries.

The fact that when developing patches you start from the amateur and casual level of players, you worsen the game at the professional level of the game. At the professional level of the game, the undead dominate everyone, and the alliance is the weakest race. Because of this poor balance, the outcome of games in tournaments often becomes predictable in advance, so the game is not interesting to watch. Because of this, the frequency of tournaments at the professional level is decreasing. And because of this, amateur players have no incentive to improve their skills to a professional level in order to receive prize money. Why improve your skills by playing for any of the three races except the undead if your race will still lose to the undead in most games, because the developers made it so that at the professional level of the game the balance for the undead is in itself stronger than other races? Therefore, the audience and sales of Warcraft are not growing.

In Lol you don’t need to think about the economy, you don’t need such a degree of concentration, you don’t need to manage large groups of units at different points on the map, and you don’t need to be able to change your strategy on the fly depending on the economy like in Warcraft. These are completely different games, and it is incorrect to apply the pattern of problems that arise from one game to another of a different genre.

As I said, you do not have systems thinking, you think in templates, applying the template of one game to another game of a completely different genre, and therefore invent a problem that cannot arise in another game.

If one person (the first) starts using some units too often at the amateur level of the game, then his opponent (the second) will look at how this is dealt with at the professional level of the game, and use the same countermeasures. In this case, the first one will understand that his casual strategy no longer works, and will no longer abuse it.

I think that if we implement most of the changes that I suggested, and in general, when developing patches, we start from the game at the professional level of tournaments, then the game will become much better. The balance and interest of the game at a professional level will increase. Seeing this and wanting to receive prize money, part of the audience of amateur players will begin to improve their skills to a professional level, and then the audience of professional players will become larger than now. This will lead to an increase in tournament games and an increase in the popularity of Warcraft. And with the popularity of the game, sales of the game will also increase.

Question: do you have anything to do with the development of patches for Warcraft 3 or can you significantly influence the developers of these patches?

I never said anything about where tournaments are held. But there are very few tournaments, collectively, regardless of region, compared to pretty much any other competitively played game. But my bigger issue is this comment I quoted here has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

You are constantly using “weasel words” to make your arguments look better than they really are. You keep saying non-quantifiable things like “very popular.” Very popular with who? The ten people who watch warcraft III tournaments? Very popular compared to the several orders of magnitude more popular that games like DOTA 2, League of Legends, Counterstrike, heck, even Overwatch? This is just a short list of games that are all drastically more popular than warcraft III and by quantifiable measures i.e. number of players, tournament prize pools, sales, etc.

This question has no purpose. But I’m just a regular person like you and I have no more power or influence over the development of this game than you do.

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Then there is no point in convincing you.

Let me just say that in Russia I am the only one who writes anti-communist and anti-militaristic articles with the involvement of research by academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, historians of international level, and independent historians with reputation
Watching Warcraft tournaments is perhaps the only joy in life that gives me serotonin and dopamine.
Serotonin and dopamine give me the ability to work and the ability to write articles that are sometimes read in the Kremlin. I saw signs that even Putin was reading my articles.
Perhaps I could write articles that could stop the war in Ukraine, or encourage Putin to stop the course of building an aggressive dictatorial state that he is pursuing now. But I don’t have enough dopamine and serotonin for this because, due to my health, I am a depressed disabled person.

Changing the balance of tournament warcraft could result in giving me more serotonin and dopamine to write these articles in time. For example, before Putin decides to launch a nuclear strike on Ukraine or a nuclear war.
No matter how paradoxical it may sound, to some extent the fate of several countries, or even the whole world (without jokes and trolling) indirectly depends on whether the balance of professional tournament Warcraft 3 is changed for the better.
What if I don’t have enough serotonin and dopamine to write these articles, and if they ask me why I didn’t write these articles on time? I will answer “Unfortunately, in the depressive state I was in then, I did not have enough serotonin and dopamine for this. One of the big reasons for this was that the developers did not improve the balance of professional tournament Warcraft 3 from watching which I then received serotonin and dopamine most of all."
I’m not crazy or schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur. I’m just saying it as it really is. If this happens, then over time I will write about it in my live journal

Well you can’t, so I agree with that statement. :slight_smile:

I’ve not made any such accusations. I just don’t agree with your balance suggestions or the conclusions you made to come to them.

Disagreeing with you doesn’t mean I think you’re crazy. ??? :thinking:

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I know how to convince people that I am right, but I don’t see the point in doing this to you if you are not a developer or have no influence on the patch development process. By the way, the strongest player for the Fortitude alliance continues to lose tournaments to the undead 2:04:09

It seems to me that if you asked “ Fortitude”, he would support my ideas for improving the Warcraft tournament balance. I think the same thing would be supported by other strong players for the alliance like SOC or Hawk

There are players like TGV who plays for all races

He is known for using creative strategies.
Very good at FFA

I think he would approve of most of my ideas.

The easiest way to find out whether a change will improve or worsen the balance in tournament Warcraft is to create a vote with 30 or 50 professional players who most often play in tournaments. You could even break them down into races and vote by race. Without such a vote, the developers will not be able to balance Warcraft for many years so that all races in it are equal. The developers will make changes that will worsen the balance and cause dissatisfaction among tournament players. And the voting system would immediately show whether this or that change is necessary or not.

I’ve not made any such accusations. I just don’t agree with your balance suggestions or the conclusions you made to come to them.

Which ones specifically? I have more than 49