MacOS Mouse Lag and VSync broken

Hi, I have a M2 Mac Mini and using Classic GFX, the first problem I have is a very very noticeable mouse lag! I’m supposing it’s due to broken VSync toggle

I have a 3440x1440@144HZ monitor, My FPS is capped at 144HZ even though I have VSync turned off in the game settings and both FPS caps are set to 300 max

I have tried with Fullscreen, Windowed Fullscreen and Windowed and in all of the scenarios the FPS is capped at 144Hz, My M2 chip is only utilizing 12-14% of the CPU/GPU, the rest is not being utilized since its force capped

I tried downloading the old QuartzDebug app from apple and disabling the VSync or BeamSync with that too, but no luck

The strangest thing is I have tried using a Windows 11 virtualized with Parallels and there Im getting 300FPS! but in the native MacOS version Im capped at 144…

to be fair, 144 is an ok FPS, but we all know that warcraft has mouse issues and to compensate it you must get 20-30% more frames than your refreshrate, so that’s what is bothering me to want 200FPS for smooth mouse on 144hz display

any help would be appreciated, though the game menu is still a disaster in MacOS, i’m getting 5-10FPS in menu, at the same time +60 in the virtual machine running windows version of warcraft, this is just crazy

and yes I have toggle on/off that reduce mouse lag option thousands of times and it does nothing, just nothing

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