[Mac M2 Pro] The game just does not work at all

Hello there. I’m trying to play WC3 Reforged on my M2 Pro Mac. The game client is stuck at the starting screen indefinitely, and nothing happens. Is there anything that can be done?

It’s 2024, and you still have issues with Mac. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Thank you!

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Same problems here

Bruh, I rewrote an open source emulator of Warcraft 3 that runs on cross-platform Java code, like the original Minecraft ( https://github.com/Retera/WarsmashModEngine ), and even this rewrite does not work on Mac.

I mean, we have the infinite power to fix it, you could download it and fix it. It is known to work on Windows and Linux both. But it does not work on Mac, because of their intentional butchering of OpenGL technology in order to push users to only use Metal technology. Why do they do that? Is it so that developers who target Mac have to write the game in Metal, such that then the game cannot escape Mac so that you as the user cannot escape Mac?

I don’t know about that, but as passionate fans we have the infinite power to maintain the open source emulator of this game even when Activision Microsoft can’t maintain the original game. And even with that infinite power, we can’t overcome Apple.

So, why would you think that an apathetic big corporation like Activision Microsoft could overcome this challenge if passionate fans could not?

Microsoft barely even knows this game exists I think.

And even the support guy who used to reply to these threads hasn’t been ehard from in quite some time so maybe their job was cut in the downsizing of Activision. Though that wasn’t Microsoft’s idea, that was being planned before the takeover was completed.

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