I got worse fps if I zoom out which makes no sense to me.
Why does this make no sense to you? When you zoom out more stuff is visible which decreases fps. Same as any other game.
Some games might lower graphic detail automatically to compensate but war3 wasn’t really designed for the zoom levels that became possible in Reforged.
dude, I am talking about the tutorial level with thrall. it´s tents and trees. no armies. look at my specs. that´s not normal. and only for reforged graphics. riva tuner statistics show a super under utillized GPU, like 30%. at the same time the fps get lower and lower. something is broken with this version of the game. blizzard - fix it! when you´re done troubleshooting the diablo 4 launch…
Made a new post on this before searching to find this thread, so figured I’d post it here as well. Recently reinstalled the game hoping to play through the reforged campaign.
Quick Summary: The reforged campaign is currently completely unplayable with reforged graphics – I’m getting 15-20 FPS as soon as I load into a mission, with extreme choppiness/variability even around this ridiculously low baseline.
Edit/update: The problem comes primarily from the improved zoom option, though I still notice the issue even with “normal” zoom settings. No matter what settings I set it to, FPS is completely hammered, capping out at around 30 even on minimal settings. I’d love to be able to zoom out further, but as is that’s simply unfeasible as it renders the game unplayable due to the running at sub 20 FPS with constant stutters and poor unit responsiveness. Even so, FPS continues to flunctate wildly, ranging from ~40-60 fps up to 144 (my monitor’s max) for no obvious reasons.
Recently installed live version of the game as I was hoping to play through the reforged campaign for the first time (… yes, I know, many years later, but I’d been putting it off given the issues with the launch of the game and finally gave into the nostalgia to give it a shot). Unfortunately, the campaign is currently completely unplayable with reforged graphics – I’m getting 15-20 FPS as soon as I load into a mission, with extreme choppiness/variability even around this ridiculously low baseline. I’ve read that for some reason AMD CPUs are experience this problem. I’d love to play the campaign through, but it’s entirely unplayable.
Computer specs are AMD Ryzen 3950x (a bit dated, but… should be more than sufficient for this game, considering I can play modern game with no issues), a 3070 NVidia Geforce card & 64 gb RAM. Seems well beyond belief that the issue comes from my hardware. Immediately upon loading into the first ROC mission, I make it through the cinematic without issue, but as soon as play beings, I’m fluctuating between 10 and 20 FPS, not to mention the fact that he units are inconsistently responsive to any orders I give them. There’s just no chance I’ll be attempting this until this issue is fixed. I’ve tried turning graphics settings all the way down, which doesn’t seem to fix it at all.
Same here, bought it after many years for the campaign and got ~30fps on
Funny enough, the PTR runs smooth as butter at 144 fps…
Can we have a response from blizzard please?
lol i just bought reforged after playing for years on classic just to play mainstory and it brought me here, 40fps with rtx3070/ r7 5700x /32ram full zoomout 5fps xD
can i somehow fix it?
ngl homie the game performing below 60 is a major failure.
console games have overcome this. console games!!.
Though to be fair sub60 fps more annoying on HD than SD.
playing, or even watching HD on anything under 1080-60 is mostly a screwfest.
There is also an issue with inconsistent fps, if your fps is lets say, 60, but it doesn’t move, then its okay, but if your fps goes anywhere from 300 to 40fps in random moments consistently, you’re going to have a BAD DAY.
The standard is just Warcraft 3 itself. going from being able to run on 300 fps to 60 or below is not a good deal.
And i’ll tell you why is it not a good deal, the games visuals need to maintain atleast 100 150 fps universally across most hardware that’s from 2016 or above regardless of day or night time.
Why ? because its nice to look at 1 unit zoom in and say look it has 200 fps very kool sir but as soon as that imaginary scenario goes into actual game play, and it tanks to 60 or below, or worse, its inconsistent, then you’re screwed.
So the reason we need higher fps is because the fps gets lower at large fights and it needs to account for that. basically. its exclusively an RTS issue. because in other games devs can just easily reduce or increase the amount of stuff on screen.
I’d happily take lower overall frames if they’re consistent. So if the larger fights are able to be fixed so they don’t hog the frames, things should be A-OK. 60 stable FPS would be more than fine for this game, at least to start with until further optimizations can be made.
See I understand where you’re going with this, but we’ve had here people complaining thait their FPS was over 200 and now its like 150 or something. Even at 100 food that’s not going to take them down to 60, unless they’re playing a custom TD or something that puts way, way more stuff on screen than normal, in which case they were having problems before the patch anyway.
I just don’t see how anyone can call 50-69 FPS “unplayable” when the vast majority of gamers have been playing games at those kinds of FPS (or less in some cases) for decades. Yes, if FPS gets really low, like less than 30, it can actually make it more difficult to click on things
His point isn’t completely without merit. Unlike most 3D games where you see far out into the distance and it’s easy to reduce detail to increase FPS without the player noticing much, RTS games like war3 have a relatively fixed perspective that keeps the same amount of the map visible at all times (and more if you zoom out), so it is designed with the understanding that most of the time, you’re not going to fit more than so many polys into the frame even if you’re trying. I only disagree that this is such a big problem. And modern systems really should be able to handle war3 even with war2 levels of unit spam (with the 200 food limit war2 had)
For the record:
I previously acknowledged that I too, was actually being affected by the issue in question, despite previously saying I wasn’t.And also for the record, after getting a replacement power cable as the GPU I bought has three power connectors, I’m finally using my new GPU and my fps did increase substantially (but it’s still higher on the PTR so the issue is still present).
TBF, it actually depends on screen technology. CRT had exceptionally brighter and accurate colors than most LCDs when it was first introduced. But if they were gaming on extremely color accurate display, then they don’t have much excuse for it IMO.
Why is there a shadow of this person( CaptainJack) everywhere? This bro( CaptainJack) doesn’t understand War3, RTS, or War.
People who complain about fps issues (playing maps with over a few thousand units fighting at the same time) rather than you ( CaptainJack) 20 units fighting.
Professional player jafrostcad has released the latest research findings
If we want to use metaphors
1.36 public test=4080 =============140fps
1.36 official=3060================70fps
Maybe it’s because I’ve been a warcraft 3 fan since the first beta tests (to where I wasn’t actually invited but gained access by torrenting it all those years ago) and spend way too much time passonately discussing a game that I’ve always considered a classic?
Just, y’know, throwing that out there…
Something like what you describe is beyond what the game was ever designed to handle, so you have to expect that if you create a map that exceeds the game’s specifications t hat it’s going to adversely effect performance. For normal people playing normal games, this performance drain, while undeniable, is not that significant. And as I found, offset-able with a superior graphics card. My performance was 10-20% higher on the PTR vs. current live game under identical conditions. While this isn’t ideal, it’s not “unplayable.” And forgive me for saying so but frankly the priority should be on normal games, not on outlier custom games that use way more units than even most other custom games.
That being said, you never previously said what you were using as a baseline to evaluate performance impact. So you’re being all like “LOL dis guy playin normal games im talkin bout custom games that exceed the normal unit limits by a factor of 5” but you never said thats what you were doing before.
I want them to fix every problem possible, but it’s improtant that we don’t misconstrue the situation. exaggerating problems will not get them fixed faster.