There is a 100% chance. You can always get a refund for this game it has a special refund policy. However, I would advise you to try and perservere. If you’re trying to recall the old days of the campaign, you can get that by playing the campaign in Classic mode. Reforged mode isn’t just a graphical change, many changes and updates were made to the campaign, especially on hard mode. If you play classic mode, the campaign experience may be closer to what you remember. Rather than seek a refund (you will get one 100% if you do though) I’d suggest you be patient and wait a little longer to see if the issues discussed in this thread get resolved. Provide your DXDiag.txt file in the tech support thread and that may help this get solved.
perhaps you could create a video to illustrate this, as I have no difficulty playing the scenario in question and haven’t observed any pauses or difficulty in activating abilities. Nothing in this area has changed significantly from before Reforged.
I also advise you to play the campaign on the Public Test Realm and see if the experience is different there, because the people discussing this issue in this thread are finding that the issues began with the live release of the patch but the PTR pre-release of it was fine.
I myself have observed around a 10% decrease in overall performance going from PTR to live. But other than lower FPS, i’ve not seen any hitches, lags, delays, or anything that would make the game more difficult to play or control.
Typically hitching is caused by insufficient memory as the system is forced to free cached data from memory to load new data in, whereas with enough memory it call be loaded in at once which eliminates hitching. So it’s possible something is causing the game to chew up more memory than normal.