Looks like WarCraft 4 could already be in development

Even if the huge upgrade to SC2’s editor is evidence of a new game coming, I think SC3 is far more likely than WC4.

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RTS in blizzard is near dead their money maker are WoW OverWatch and Hearthstone. SC2 esport is always the same players for 5 years easy now, they are boring no new fresh players try to compete.

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Honestly with what BfA wanted to tell but could not (I give them the benefit of doubt they scrabed it because they where to occupied fixing the gameplay mess) I would love to see the fourth war as a campaign. I would love to see the battles of Garrosh or an expanded WoD too.

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LOL. Day dreaming are we?

a war4 would have to start back at wrath, it would be way too hard to jump to fourth war from the end of wc3. idealistically, theyd have to show bolvar stuff, theyd have to show saurfang killing his son, theyd 100% have to show sylvanas throwing herself off the citadel. i mean, that is literally a core element to her story telling today.
but they also have added a lot of story elements that they dont include in the game, with books and whatnot. i dont know how they’d integrate into war4, even if they completely disregarded anything that wasn’t sylvanas vs varian/anduin related.

then theres the dragonflight stuff they messed up thats a whole explanation or two in itself (cataclysm)
then theres the explanation of the panda memes in wc3 (mop)
then theres… WoD…
and then we actually annihilated the legion and saurfang + all the new illidan/maiev lore. (legion)

i say they reboot it all too because they couldnt keep up with the grotesque, edited-over-multiple-years storyline that they have.

edited: went into more sylvanas explanation

Or they just say Warcraft IV is part of the extended Warcraft Universe and if you want to understand the whole lore you have to do it like you where supposed to do in Warcraft III. Honestly I never new the background of Warcraft III and I think I would be very confused from the changes if I would come from Warcraft III and did not later found out there where Novels.
WoW did what Warcraft III already started, not showing the full Lore InGame anymore but expecting us to read for ourselves if we want the whole story.

So I would say repeat the great Storytelling of Warcraft III, deliver a Story where you get the basic enough info to enjoy the story and then do something about the Fourth War that whas not depicted as part of Azeroths Champion Activity.

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The only Blizzard games I cared to understand the story were Diablo, Diablo2, and … no that’s it. In Diablo3 I ignored the story and just cared about the quest log.

Command & Conquer did a great job presenting the story. But since Red Alert and all its successors the story to me was just unimportant. All other RTS games I played only and explosively for the multiplayer part. In 1on1 I really don’t need to know the story, lore, or anything but the game mechanics.

WarCraft4 can be pure eSports title with zero campaigns or story mode at all.
I didn’t even play the campaign of SC2. I started the WoL campaign just to waste some time before the whole game was downloaded and I could enter the multiplayer part.

F*** stories and the lore. I want 1on1 eSports RTS!

well yeah, the Fourth War actually started with Varian declaring war in the Undercity, and the ending of Mists of Pandaria was only a truce (the Horde backstabbed the Alliance in Ashran and the Alliance backstabbed the Horde in Stormheim)

but yeah definitely needs a reboot. No Legion spaceships, no Eredar-Draenei connection, and no such thing as Highmountain, Val’sharah, Nightborne, etc.