Login Error

I have the old Warcraft (not Reforged) Version, yesterday i could play normally but today i can’t login anymore, i receive following message:

“An error occurred while processing the request.”

Then clicking on “Login”, typing in the login data, accepting it on my bnet app on my smartphone, then its loading very long, after a while i get the same error message as at the beginning again.

Any idea how to fix this issue? many thanks

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i have the same issue (old warcraft) “There was an error in handling the request.” just happened today and everytime i put my password to login it doesn’t let me.

Last days of warcraft. it will go off permanently

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Oh i have found the answer in the Forum:

Update: 3:00 PM PDT
The game team is in the process of bringing the game back online.

Update: 2:15 PM PDT
The team is still checking over game systems and features following the maintenance work. We’re still targetting the updated time of 2024-04-01T22:00:00Z. I’ll update this thread if that changes.

Good afternoon,

The team has informed us that maintenance will need to be extended until 2024-04-01T22:00:00Z. We’ve updated the breaking news notification to reflect this. Apologies for the inconvenience!

We will use this thread to provide updates as needed.

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its still not working?

Update: 3:15 PM PDT
Apologies for the delay, the team is still working to bring the services back online.

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