Login error- "error in handing request"

Why am I not able to login to bnet? I launch the game and then it just says “there was an error in handling the request” HELP!


same, bump

Had the same error, I solved it by

  1. uninstalling wc3
  2. registering cd keys from tft.w3k and roc.w3k at wc3 folder
  3. download and install wc3 tft from battlenet website

Do at your own risk if you dun have cd keys registered

Same here,can someone to help ??

Is this work it ?

yes for me

All you have to do to fix the “error, there was an error handling your request” is go to the bnet client and click the drop down arrow where your name is an click, “Redeem A Code” then enter your cd key for Reign of Chaos only. Claim it and then you should be able to play reforged in classic mode.