Lighting issue with classic models

So, this is more of a niche issue, but it’s worth reproting. Many map makers use SetDayNightModels to change lighting in-game. Passing empty strings to this function would make the map completely dark, and then one could illuminate it using only custom models.

This method currently works for Reforged models when using Reforged graphics. However, classic models seem to ignore lighting when an empty string is passed to the function. They seem to be affecting by other lighting changes, though, such as omnilights and day/night time.

In this image, you can see how classic models ignore the DNC:

In this image, you can see how the Reforged villager is affected by DNC, while the rocks (a custom model for classic) behind him are not:

And the following images show how classic models ARE affecting by lighting conditions:



Night with omnilight: