Let's take our Mac issue to X/SM Platforms

Clearly the plight of Mac users is being disregarded via this forum. Not so much as an update or acknowledgement. Any ideas on a hashtag that we can use on X and other social media platforms to shame Blizzard into action? We need to take our grievances public, only then will Blizzard act. We should organize a tagging/shame campaign against Blizz, starting with X platform.


A WC3 player since 2002.


It’s literally at the top of the this very forum.

Thus, they already are. And do you think it’s not public already?

And no doubt you’ll have a billion dollar multinational conglomerate shaking in their boots.

And post this to GD if you just want to soapbox. This forum is for technical support. Same goes for the bug report forum.

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