Well it is right,they stayed loyal with Wc3 design\proportions
Yeah but that’s the wrong proportions to units compared to WC3.
Reforged is matching the proportions appropriate for the RTS, so I don’t understand what the issue is here. Yes, it looks off scale, but so do certain units next to each other and this has always been the case in Blizzard RTS.
I don’t really know what kind of doodad buildings you’re talking about. The buildings in WC3 have always been (relatively) small.
Yeah, I just don’t see that working.
I mean, I get what you’re trying to say, but it just doesn’t work for WC3 unless you scale every building up to WoW proportions, like what you would see in Arathi Basin.
Even the doodad buildings are decent sized, but then you look at the tiny Castle and it’s super tiny compared to everything else. So if you make the doodads even bigger…
Also, the buildings in WC are always just representative of their real size, as we see in World of Warcraft. Places like Stormwind and Stromgarde have actual sized Castles and Barracks and Blacksmiths. If you translate that to WC3, then a castle is practically a map itself.
Not really, because it needs to be workable in melee too. If you make the castle bigger, you need to make all buildings bigger. That includes Night Elf trees, and imagine if you have these huge walking trees in battle. I mean, yes it looks cool, but you’re gonna block the entire sight of the rest of the army and mess up the gameplay quite a bit.
Custom map is actually the one place where you CAN make the buildings bigger, because World Editor lets you scale anything/everything up or down. So you can have a World of Warcraft proportion building/town for an RPG map.
I am again talking with a wall but now think like this: There is 2 things in this world, making a mission which is basically a melee map, that needs smooth enviroment, and nicely sized buildings and doodads for being playable.
And there is one other thing: Making a custom map that is not about Warcraft III gameplay more like an rpg so you can make a map inside a castle if you wish.
There is another thing called TERRAINING which you can again do anything ‘fitting’ for you which you are not going to play with units on it you just do it for the looks of it
Well they could do it for the campaign, but they’re not setting out to completely change the entire experience.
If they’re gonna go that far then building size is the least of my worries. I would rather they spend their effort changing the spells of the Heros, because Thrall having Farseeing in the campaign kinda sucks.
I think you are forgetting a fact, this is a remaster of Wc3 gameplay stays the same, and building sides are a part of the gameplay
The same as the Hyperion does not look as huge in SC2 as in lore. I’m perfectly fine with having the WC3-style scale but then have huge walls and statues here and there.
Cool thing from BlizzCon you missed:
The green castle isn’t just there for decoration.
Some of the peasants take arms and become militia to fight against Arthas after they see him doing the purge.
You should watch the gameplay again.
I liked that nice small new feature.
For campaign they can’t do it cause campaign is the game itself, not a nice competitive melee campaign ofcourse but it is the game, the melee itself so they can’t change the core mechanics.
Again they can’t overhaul a thing that is in the core of the gameplay, you can even make Arthas female, or Jaina a Dreadlord but you can’t change the core feature of the game which buildings are sized for gameplay, just like Age Of Empires, it is a real life game right? Has it a castle that is bigger than map itself? Nope because GAMEPLAY REASONS
Yeah, it’s a reference to the Scarlet Enclave. Fun fact: Sin’dorei Blood Knights went there in TBC to burn a church or sth?
in order to get a horsie.
Heresy! Mao is big! Only smaller than Kim Jong Il!
Wait isn’t scarlet enclave red in coloration?
It was before the Scarlet Enclave existed in the lore, and were thus known as the Verdant Enclave by decree of the Teamcolor gods.
Hopefully I’m not be the only one that likes the original design that the reforged team went with more than whatever this new thing is in comparison… Right guys ? These models look like the stuff in a StarCraft 2 mod if i remember correctly
Wait, what? When was it known as such? Wasn’t the Scarlet Crusade at least added right in vanilla, in 2004? Along with Tyr’s Hand, but the Scarlet Enclave was added in WotLK, right? I can’t find anything about the “Verdant Enclave”. And who were you responding to?
I think it was meant as a joke.
Now I want someone to make a Human Castle map. Maybe even one that starts as a Town Hall and grows larger as it’s upgraded.
… Now I want versions of every race’s HQ building as maps.