Ladder matchmaking issues continue

Thanks for deleting my previous post. The ladder however still isn’t working properly. An “Versus mode is currently unavailable. Please try again later” prompt seems to accrue more and more dominance. It disappears when the player is logged on longer. But this used to be 1 - 2 minutes. Now people have this 4 - 5 minutes. It seems that the backend server or something is getting more and more delayed in establishing a connection for players, and actually play the game.

Additionally, even when the promt disappears, search times can be insanely long. Being in queue for over 1000 seconds is very normal. And still no game is found. Even when friends and I queue together, it won’t provide a match. Despite ELO is fairly close.

Oddly enough, at times, it does work. However, the system has no issue to pair with 800 ELO variance in 1on1. It seems this bugged, or glitching. Unsure what it is, but the search times do not appear longer due to more narrow match making. It just doesn’t match, and when it does, it still doesn’t care about comparable skill levels. It never did, but now one can easily spend up to 15+ minutes to start a game.


same problem, I don’t know why nobody cares about this problem, it has been more than a month.

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Game is literally not working right now

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The versus mode has an error that it cannot be played or is down?

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very frustrating to have multiplayer down

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tch why do they keep breaking matchmaking, I was waiting ad waiting ad the it dawned upon that I should check the boards… Lo ad behold!

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it’s down…

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It’s almost like Blizzard doesn’t care, so weird…

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I have been getting this “Versus mode is currently unavailable. Please try again later” message repeatedly lately. And then when in, I can’t find a match.

It would be great to hear what is causing the issue and if there are plans to resolve this, as it is making it untenable to play the game, sadly.

I’m hoping they resolve the issue but realistically think they don’t care which is why this keeps happening. Only way to play now is through W3C which is very low pop; each time this happens I think fewer players return.

Come on blizzard…

More than 1000 seconds in queue, also note how chat glitched into representing my clan and username twice, causing memory leak.

More than 6000 seconds in queue

Gave up in both cases, simply wouldn’t find a game.

Have same problem on europe server :frowning:

The Versus (Online Mode) is not working for multiple days on europe server:

(Example: Today, Last: Sunday, Saturday, Friday, Thursday,)

Dear Blizzard Support Team: Do you know about the problems of your players? We dont talk about a 1-2 Hours Downtime… its not working for days.

Note also this isn’t the first time this has happened; over the last year or so it’s happened mainly after patches but in the last few weeks this has happened more frequently. I’m pretty sure Blizzard is aware but I’m guessing they don’t have the support to fix it properly. Only way to play now is through W3C.

Oh wait, it worked for me. I was in queue for 14.943 seconds (yes, that is more than 4 hours) and then it found me a game with someone that had more than 400 ELO less.

No idea how this is supposed to work. I guess it doesn’t really work.

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been in qeue basically all day

git blame? Find the commit which cause the launch error and deploy the older commit version?