It's not acceptable to say "it'll be fixed later"

truth, blizzard is suppose to be the company that gets it done when its RELEASED. they were the standard in that, this isn’t freaking Bethseda with fo76 and bugs that still exist since its launch.

These are issues that shouldn’t be as prevalent in a game that’s been released. if you think a game should release broken then go buy some broken windows and wait for the guys to come fix it later. you don’t buy broken things then expect them to be fixed later. You buy working things.

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How ignorant can you be? Just because YOU have not experienced a “major” bug (which it seems you only consider something a major bug if it literally destroys your computer) does not mean a LARGE portion of the player base has not had these issues. You are blatantly REFUSING to look at anyone else’s situation. How is LITERALLY NOT BEING ABLE TO PLAY THE ACTUAL GAME, not a game breaking bug? are you brainwashed or are you braindead?


I understand where you are coming from, but you also need to understand that this is a very, very different version of the Classic W3. Saying that the game has already been release 20 years ago, is … not cool!

For everyone who is saying “Oh you see a sign of trouble and running away” or “They’ll support and fix the game later” are in need of a wake up call.

Dude, that’s game development. Games come out, players find bugs, devs fix the bugs, the end.

Take it easy. If someone can’t play the game because of dc’s and black screen, etc , is an ISOLATED case which happen in ALL games, old and new ones to a minor fraction of players.

Got it ?

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These are not isolated cases, these bugs are happening to a LARGE amount of players.
Got it?


Large? How large? Because if … let’s say 1k players are having this bugs, still is MINOR.

If you have data which proves that a LARGE amount of players from the total amount of players are having this bugs, then please share.

Right right I get you. I bought warcraft 3 broken edition. How can I expect the broken edition to be working? I should have waited for them to release the working edition instead.

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What Activision Blizzard and other big publishers are doing is gauging interest. They pour as little time, manpower and resources as possible into a project and then see how the concept/alpha version of the game performs. If it performs well they’ll invest the resources required to finish the product and if it flops they can wipe their hands and move on to the next project without having lost much.

It’s a low stakes, potentially high reward method that they use to maximize profits and minimize losses. Very scummy indeed.

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That , yes…you could have done it, aka waiting for a “working edition”. Every new released game, have EXACTLY the same issues. No, this is not an old game release. No , you can’t say that they already release W3 20 years ago.

But yea! If you can’t accept that issues will be at release of ANY game, I advice you to never pre-order games again.

having a blast so far I don’t see the problem

Bro shut up theyre literally still advertising features that arent even in the game. Its a scam. Youd have to be a complete moron not to realize this.


MANY solid games ( for exemple The Witcher 3 ) , had very, very big bugs on the release day.

I understand your concern over Activision, because I share THE same thoughts as you on this one ( I wish Blizz will split from Activison ), but … it’s not the case here.

there are dozens if not hundreds of games that released LAST YEAR, that didn’t have issues as severe as these, your point is moot unless you think blizzard is the only game company in existance.

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Oh well I guess if you never saw it, It never happened.
You really want me to go make a survey and ask every single player how their experience has been? How many people need to have a GAME BREAKING BUG for it to matter? I’d love to post some links if they were allowed on the forums. You’re just ignorant. And possibly a troll.

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This has been the case with literally every game since the advent of widespread online connectivity in the early 2000s. Game needs fixing? Just patch it. Before then, if a game was buggy, those were called “features”, and we lived with them.

Developers know that the “release date” is just a number. It’s a day demanded by publishers to milk as much money as possible so that they can beat some competition or capitalize or some event (Star Wars games releasing around a Star Wars film).

Don’t like it? Don’t preorder games or buy games near release until you know they’re ready to go. It’s the way the industry is right now.

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So “bro”. Playing the game and enjoying it, makes me a moron?

Now , tell me again, what features are they advertising as we speak and are not in the game. No , I won’t google or search this forum because I didn’t hear anyone coming with valid points, just the same “google it”, “look up on the forums” or copy/paste other posts from reddit, which … has nothing to do with the game.

I’m not. I have hope. You can call that dumb if you want. I’m gonna look at the good and not just focus on the bad.

Yeah, well, your anecdotal evidence does not invalidate the game-breaking issues that a lot of people including myself are obviously encountering. Saying “works for me, so it’s all good” is worthless.