"It's just review bombing"

Honestly? good riddance, we’re actually better off if they just admit they’re puppets to Chinese Oligarchs and not messing about with their old games.

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It’s more nuanced than that.

The execs and the devs are two different entities. The devs want to create a good game, but they have limited resources. The execs want a bankable product, but they have expectations on quick turnarounds and high profit margins. War3 ideally sits in the middle because it is both appealing to a wide market (esp in Asia) and it has potential appeal for new gamers through the WoW audience.

And that’s what the devs pitched a bigger remake on being. They were ambitious and felt they could do it justice.

Yet in the past year we could see very clearly that their silence and their mixed messaging meant something wasn’t going well under the hood. And even with the release delay, we still got a buggy release. The devs tried their best, and are still trying hard. They will get things functional.

But that’s the issue. There is a disconnect here between Execs and Devs. Who is responsible for the mess? The Devs, because they bit off more than they could chew with the limited resources they had. But who is responsible for the limited resources? The Execs who are not placing priority on making a good game; they just want a product on the market that appeals to the wide market as planned.

So who does the Metacritic send feedback to? The devs, because they are responsible. They are the ones who should be taking feedback. And thing is - they know of these problems well in advance, but have no control over it because they are still privy to deadlines and answering to the top. And the top isn’t going to give them some unlimited budget to continue polishing until it’s done; this is not a triple AAA new game it’s a remake of an old game that was expected to be completed on a limited budget.

So really this has nothing to do with Chinese Oligarchs and messing with old games for the sake of it. It’s a case of a mess caused by unrealistic ambitions working off limited resources (in both time and manpower).

[quote=“Triceron-1519, post:262, topic:18326”]
This is a no-win situation.[/quote]

Wow. Haven’t seen anyone so willing to roll over before corporate bullcrap before.

Unlike you, I actually played Battlefront and the way it changed from a complete clown show into a game worth playing is nothing short of spectacular. AND I also got a good singleplayer game in Fallen Order.
Instead of one bad game (BF 2 circa 2017) I got two good ones. This is a win of the highest caliber.

Which means that after we bomb this abomination to oblivion, our next course of action is to do the same - let the games “just be”, aka don’t buy them.

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Which means that after we bomb this abomination to oblivion, our next course of action is to do the same - let the games “just be”, aka don’t buy them.


But do you consider that ‘winning the battle’ then? It’s a lose-lose scenario you are talking about, which is why I didn’t answer you with that. I did make that statement though, that refunds and not buying their games is the most direct approach to ‘send a message’. I dont think it’s entirely effective either since it can send the wrong message, but it’s the best anyone can do as an individual. Metacritic bombing is simply ineffective IMO.

However, I don’t see boycotting as ‘winning the battle’. We still want change, we still want a good product, and I don’t think there is anything we can do on our end to get that. It’s up to Blizzard, and frankly that is something we have no control over. D3 and HOTS are the most recent examples of how they treat the fanbase. And let me be clear - both these games are still playable and are fun, but they’re bare-bones in terms of content updates and general support.

Also, we know the devs are actively working on resolving issues. This was known well before the Developer Update and the User review scores reaching under 1. Like I said, the devs already have the message, this is not a case where they are lacking any realization here.

I have yet to see a single player call himself a customer or a consumer, on this forum or an other, except in the context of trying to hurt a gaming company’s reputation or revenue. Better?

I have seen it, time and time and time again and have done that myself, in many contexts.

You’re just doing OLYMPIAN style gymnastics to defend a corporation which I find baffling.

People do this, get outside your bubble.

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No I’m not. Next.

Oh make no mistake, this will send the right message and the bean pushers, the corporate hacks, the people who don’t have a spine and so they rise up like they’re the cream of the crop, they’ll misinterpret it because they’re barely even human. They’d sooner fire any employee under them than accept responsibility. They are selfish piles of waste. You can see this across the board with just about every major corporation out there and all the smaller ones are striving to be just like ActiBlizzard. So stop typing unless you have something else to say than “lol money is all that matters!”

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Why should I stop typing? I feed on your tears :slight_smile:

They either wisen up and stop with the bullcrap or eventually run out of customers and die, or just ignore that segment whatsoever. Either way someone else will take their place, presumably someone more keen on delivering the product the customers want, either by buying the IP or by making a spiritual successor. If there’s a gap, there’s always someone willing to fill it. Look at the old school FPS scene, that has been booming as of late, with quality spiritual successors to beloved classics.

This is a battle that’s fought on multiple levels and we must not let the brand name association stand in the way of our better judgement. Just because WarCraft gave us immense joy in the past it doesn’t give it a free pass to do whatever in the future.

They already mentioned they aren’t fixing the big issue, so it’s all moot. It will be a slightly more polished pile of trash, but the bugs were the least of its problems.

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Because you have no good argument?

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How are you not dead of starvation then? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I bet Triceron works for Blizzard. Lol, the literal corporate shill here.


But you don’t either.

You negated your own argument in your own statement.

  • We are sending the right message!
  • Bean counters are gonna ignore our message!

Okay, so what does it have to do with me? That’s the same argument I’m making. You aren’t exactly countering anything I’m saying, you’re just repeating it and telling me to stop typing lol

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You can’t read? I’m so sorry Triceron, I really am. I thought at first you could argue with me and entertain me with your corporate shill mindset but reread what I said carefully. We can send the right message, they can do with it what they want (they will suck, that’s their mo now). I can go on but I want to see you dig yourself a further hole so do go on corporate pig.


But that’s kind of side stepping the point of this thread.

I understand that in the greater spectrum, Blizzard isn’t the only company, isn’t the only fantasy genre, isn’t the only RTS creator. Yet Warcraft (3) strikes a chord in many passionate gamers hearts. And that passion is what fuels this current response to ‘bomb metacritic’, as legitimate or as frivilous as that feedback may be.

I would advocating letting things be and moving on, but honestly I’m not concerned with giving people advice on what to do. I am pointing out the frivolity of sending impassioned feedback to an aggregate site’s user review section.

And frankly, letting things die is not a means to change corporate structure either. I don’t disagree with your approach, but I think it’s doing exactly what you criticize - Rolling over to corporate bullcrap. It doesn’t address the issue, it avoids it.

And the fact is, I don’t think there’s a way to actually address the issue, because the problem stems from them not us. It’s not in our control. Even with EA’s situation; they improved Battlefront sure but that is their will and their solution for that game. What about Spore 2 being a terrible game? Where was the solution there?

These are case specific, and if we’re talking about Reforged and the reaction we have, the type of game this is, and how the Execs would regard this game… This isn’t a triple AAA big market project like Battlefront. It’s a budget remake, no matter how you look at it. And a budget remake isn’t going to get a huge amount of resources into delivering on big promises the way (some) people here would expect it to.

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All I can read is your tears trying to stop me from posting more :slight_smile:

The problem stems from people that keep supporting this type of behavior, i.e. you. An unmitigated stream of negativity will turn them into the laughing stock in front of their corporate sell out peers and force them to make a change or just give up entirely. Shame is a big deal for these ego driven idiots at the top.

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Tears from laughter trying to figure out why you’re so apologetic and stupid for a company that uses you like toilet paper.

We can send the right message, they can do with it what they want

An unmitigated stream of negativity will turn them into the laughing stock in front of their corporate sell out peers and force them to make a change or just give up entirely. Shame is a big deal for these ego driven idiots at the top.

These statements conflict with each other if they consider negative feedback as trolling. See, there is no ‘shame’ if they completely dismiss the negative reviews on trolling. You seem to think that this will embarass them into changing, when you’ve already addressed the problem in your own post that the bean counters and the corporation will easily dismiss this entire thing because (in your own words)

They’d sooner fire any employee under them than accept responsibility. They are selfish piles of waste.

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