"It's just review bombing"

I’m not happy with how things have played out, but I would still say a 0/10 is unfair. To me, if the game boots up, even if it’s full of bugs, that’s at least a 1/10. After day 1, most of the issues preventing ppl from playing were sorted and the game was generally playable- and in that respect, the experience wasn’t any worse from before. I can build my base, fight the enemy etc. with the same capacity as I could before. However, considering the key missing features, such as ladder play, less than completely full custom game compatibility, and the campaign only being partially updated, not completely as promised, I feel like a 5/10 is fair. It works, it’s okay, but it doesn’t exactly have me raving because there are things that I used to have that are currently missing.

A 5/10 would mean its a fully working product. if they would have just re released the old game it could have been a 5/10 as its not better or worse. Its also 17 years ago from they released TFT so for it to be 5/10 now would mean they need modern standards on things such as graphics, animations, cinematics, keybindings and so on .Now that we know that they removed some things and made the game worse with menus lagging, memory leaks, bad animations, worse servers, copyright on all custom maps. They also broke the old game, which many of us already payed for and many of us was still playing.

That the critics are over 50/100 i cant understand as that would mean they deem this game to be at the standard or above as the score is 61/100.

The current user score 0.5/10 isn’t that weird as how incomplete it was and they have been quite about everything until this post and how they treated the customers right to refund their faulty product with advertisement that is factually incorrect.

Due too the copyright on the custom maps i will not release my map either which blizzard could have based one of their upcoming games on. Just like DOTA they are missing out again. If i now will release it in the future i will most likely just use another game engine. I don’t see other map makers being so ill informed about this either, so this is most likely the end of custom maps in Warcraft III.

We can but hope Blizzard fix all the problems with the old and new product. Hopefully they also remove the copyright on custom maps, so that Blizzard can take part in the new ideas for future games.

This post became longer than i expected… sorry for that :smiley:


Actually I believe it does deserve that low a score for one simple fact:

Reforged should not get credit for features that were already in the game.

Once you stop looking at it as a complete game and look at it by the promises that were made that were not fulfilled almost entirely and the features that were removed from the existing game then it absolutely merits a near-zero score.


It should have left my classic game ALONE. Poor Blizzard trying to find an excuse to not support classic wc3 anymore. There was probably around 15k to 20k players that still played wc3 custom maps when reforged hit. They aren’t happy campers. It’s a sad, sad excuse for a remastered game and no reason to cut them slack.


Blizzard won’t remove the copyright on custom maps. Go look at the EULA that was last revised June 1 2018. The same copyright is there.

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funny when I play the game and I ask people what they think of game they all think it’s fun, it’s only on the forums people are negative

This. If you want your feedback to be heard, a little self-consciousness goes a long way. Try saying “your work is complete garage, zero, you should be ashamed” to a co-worker and see how that goes. Adding “it’s the only way I have to get heard” will not help.

When companies such as Blizzard have gone to such epic lengths to shield, ignore and pacify feedback, sooner or later the community was bound to lash back in anyway it could. Frankly I am damn proud the majority of once-Blizzard fans are opening their eyes and seeing their once beloved franchises being exploited by the Activision parasite.

This is the field Blizzard has sown. Polite, civil discourse has not achieved anything in about a decade if not longer. The rare gems like Ythisens who were trying to mend the bridges between developers and the community were literally fired. My only regret is it has taken the community so damn long and nearly two years of consistent PR trainwrecks to finally generate the ire from the community Blizzard deserves.


Wow, this thread is full of worship for Blizzard. The finished product is 100% not what they advertised, okay? The website still advertises the better cinematics, too, with the trailer from Blizzcon. That’s unreal. Not only that, the people who have zero interest in Reforged have a bugged-out game in the classic version. Sure, it’ll get fixed --but it shouldn’t have ever happened in the first place.

The apology was so empty. “We’re sorry to those of you who didn’t have the experience you wanted.” It sounds like it’s somehow the player’s fault for having different expectations, but it was Blizzard who fueled those expectations with a myriad of promises that they ultimately could not deliver on.


Not true. The corporate overlord doesn’t care about the individual’s thoughts. All that matters is cash flow, baby. A game with low reviews will not sell as well as a game that has high reviews. The review gut-punch is what the company will understand and want to avoid. People have every right to negatively review a game that they preordered when it is broken and empty on the promises that got the player sold in the first place.


Show me one game, movie or any form of media review bombed to any serious degree without some major screw up from its developer and/or publisher happening somewhere on the line. You do not get hundreds of thousands of people all waking up like a hive mind one day and decide to downvote random titles. You get them when a product has utterly failed to the deliver or the customer-base of said product has been disrespected.

Review bombing is a symptom of shoddy company practices and poor communication. Funny how quality titles and reputable companies don’t suffer from such backlash.


Thanks for the info. Didnt know they sneaked it in even back then. Had i known i wouldn’t bought reforged in the first place :confused:

Well, we can but hope they change it or wc3 is dead and gone :frowning:

Actually 0/10 is legit for people that didn’t want to do anything with reforged in the first place, those who were happy with playing classic game and didn’t care about the new thing, and yet they were forced to dl 30 or so extra gb for no reason and afaik lose some features that were always there and working. They don’t need to review it as 3/10 because they don’t care about it, they just want the ability to keep playing the game they played for 17 years


It is quite true that it is not literally illegal to do so.

This is not how it works. Putting thousands of zeros is so obviously biaised that people discount them, and more to the point, most people don’t go to Metacritic. Both FIFA 2019 and FIFA 2020 have <1/10 on Metacritic, I expect FIFA 2021 to join them next year. Diablo 3 got thousands of negative reviews in 2012, to the point later reviews still haven’t brought it above 4/10: it’s one of the best-selling PC games of all times.

The only possitive reviews are people who dont see whole point or who played game first time,

This game is 18 years old, from that time there was some messages about how they are planning to work on W3 after starcraft, they didnt do sh*t until 2018 where they announced remaster wich they promised is remake. So they had another 2 years to do game wich is already made xD And it came out almost even worse then it was 18 years ago… Thats what are people missing… the game was already done xD if u take it as remaster or remake on w3 it fully deserves 0/10.
If u cut w3 and take this crap as new game, then it deserves like 6/10 imo.

Yeah i know my grammar sucks tell me something else xD


It’s just the same guy, no more no less.

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I don’t know how you know who goes where for reviews, but sure. Fifa has gotten ragged on so hard the past few years because they keep releasing the same game, but now with micro-transactions. The game deserves the low reviews. I haven’t touched those games DUE to those reviews/sentiments. I do think that when the majority of a community gets together and says “game bad,” other consumers will listen.

Case-and-point: I was super excited for Reforged, but I held off on preordering. I won’t buy the game until it gets fixed (if it gets fixed). There’s a lot of people in the same boat as me who are waiting and listening with bated breath. I just can’t agree with you when you say that outrage in the form of bomb reviews serves no purpose.


Let’s agree to disagree.

On a side note, calling the game a product and yourself a consumer instantly flags the person as ‘being mad at the company’ (as opposed to reviewing the actual game). No player thinks of himself as a consumer in normal circumstances.

Sorry, you are wrong. Yes, a lot of the good things about Reforged are based on the original game, but that’s the case for basically all remasters. I play reforged because the graphics, the visuals are more pleasing than the original, and it has revitalized the online community, which actually exists whether you want to believe it or not. More players for the custom maps I enjoyed years ago with great graphics. That’s what I hoped for, that’s what I got.

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review bombing is just another way of saying: deserved review score.

If the product was good, would someone rate it 0/10 ?? tell me.

Whoever doesn’t agree with the reviews can call it “review bombing” and try to remove the validity of it, don’t let it happen. Don’t play along with the lies.

Blizzard deserves those scores.


I’m willing to bet that it’s been in there for much longer than that, since Starcraft 2’s release at least, but possibly longer.