Items that need to be updated or terminated

Hello, let’s take a look at all items which need to be updated or terminated by the developers of this game.

  1. Runed Bracers = Change so it also gives +2 armor to the hero, similar to the item “frost wyrm skull shield”.
  2. Frost wyrm skull shield = Increase armor from 2 to 4 and update tooltip text so it says spell damage not magic damage.
  3. Diamond of summoning = Change classification from permanent to miscellaneous.
  4. Boots of speed = Change classification from permanent to purchasable.
  5. Orb of darkness = Reduce gold cost from 600 to 500 and fix bug when holding position causing the orb effect to not work. This is the worst orb in the game so it needs some love!
  6. Ring of protection +3 = Change classification from permanent to miscellaneous since it was removed from creep loot table.
  7. Staff of teleportation = Change classification from permanent to purchasable.
  8. Potion of omniscience = Change classification from charged to miscellaneous and change “include as random choice” to false.
  9. Wand of lightning shield = Change classification from charged to miscellaneous.
  10. Wand of shadowsight = Change classification from charged to miscellaneous and change “include as random choice” to false.
  11. All runes = Need detailed text description when selected with cursor how much they heal, how many units they revive and how much mana they restore since they are actively used when picked up.
    Also runes, such as Rune of Greater Mana, are too strong. Needs to be nerfed similar to how mana potion and scroll of restoration was nerfed so they have similar values.
  12. Mechanical critter = Remove from arcane vault, humans won’t miss this item. It’s used to make units get stuck which can be abused for instance when creeping.
  13. Clarity potion (NOT lesser clarity potion) = Change classification from purchasable to miscellaneous.
  14. Scroll of mana = Change classification from purchasable to miscellaneous.
  15. Spider silk broach = Change classification from purchasable to miscellaneous.
  16. Staff of negation = Change classification from purchasable to miscellaneous.
  17. Tiny castle (NOT tiny great hall) = Change classification from purchasable to miscellaneous.
  18. Vampiric potion = Increase gold cost from 75 to 200, change classification from purchasable to miscellaneous and reduce steal amount from 75 to 50 percent.
  19. Potion of lesser invulnerability = Change “include as random choice” to false.
  20. Wand of neutralization = Change classification from purchasable to miscellaneous.
  21. Anti-magic potion = Change classification from miscellaneous to purchasable.
  22. Arcane scroll = Reduce gold cost from 1000 to 600.
  23. Keg of ale = Reduce gold cost from 850 to 800.
  24. Lesser scroll of replenishment = Reduce gold cost from 400 to 200.
  25. Scroll of animate dead = The item ability setting “raised units are invulnerable” needs to be changed to false, to match latest patch of death knight’s ultimate ability animate dead. Also gold cost should be reduced from 700 to 600 because it’s weaker than scroll of resurrection.
  26. Scroll of the unholy legion = Delete from the game and the editor and replace it with scroll of animate dead, they are the same! It uses the icon of banshee master training so we will still have the icon for custom maps when the item is deleted.
  27. Orb of slow = Change “Item Slow (Orb Version)” movement speed factor from 0.60 to 0.55 and duration from 20 to 10 seconds on heroes to match sorceress spell slow and change text tooltip extended. Should also add text in tooltip what the chance is that it procs (chance to hit heroes 5%, units 15% and summons 35%). Also change proc chance on summons from 35% to 30 and heroes from 5% to 10%.
  28. Orb of lightning = There are 2 items named this for no reason, duplicates. Completely delete the old orb of lightning from the game and the editor. Add text in tooltip what the chance is that the new orb of lightning procs (10% chance on heroes, 30% on units and summons).
  29. Potion of divinity = There are 2 of the exact same item, duplicates for no reason. One is in classification “charged” and the other one in “miscellaneous.” Please delete the one in “miscellaneous”.
  30. Dust of appearance = Change classification from miscellaneous to purchasable.
  31. Ivory tower = Reduce maximum stock in arcane vault from 2 to 1 and reduce gold cost from 40 to 35.
  32. Red drake egg = Reduce gold cost from 550 to 450.

Thanks for reading. :slight_smile: I hope blizzard fixes everything soon.

Opinions are not facts. Most of this stuff seems completely unnecessary to me. We’re lucky if we get changes at all, much less a laundry list like this. I’d prefer they focus more on the racial balance, as items are not race specific and everyone has access to any of the items on a map regardless of race, making them “technically” balanced regardless. They need only be balanced against each other- or more specifically, balanced against other items of the same tier- so you would do well to break down your list by tier and describe an item in that tier you think is balanced and argue why the rest of them in that tier are stronger/weaker- your list seems extremely arbitrary, like “i like this item and not that one.”

All I’ll comment on is the runes, the exact values are not really important, 99 times out of 100 you’re just going to click it regardless of what it does, because it’s better than leaving it for your opponent(s) to take. Which isn’t to say that it wouldn’t be nice, but you can find the values if you know where to look, and you probably only even care if you fall into that category in the first place.

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Hopefully we will get a few fixes since Microsoft is somehow involved with the development? Here’s a couple of more items that need to be updated:

  1. The lion horn of Stormwind = It says in tooltip text that the item gives 1 armor, but units actually get 1.5 armor. Data fetch in tooltip of this item is bugged. A workaround I did for my custom map was delete <AIad,DataA1> and write 1.5 manually in tooltip text.
  2. Goblin land mines = Greatly reduce their damage since they are too strong especially against buildings (I recommend setting it to same damage stats as goblin sapper), reduce activation delay from 10 to 7 seconds (same delay as stasis trap) and add activation delay information in tooltip text.
  3. Staff of preservation = Change classification from miscellaneous to purchasable.
  4. Tiny barracks, tiny farm, tiny lumber mill, tiny blacksmith and tiny altar of kings = Gold and lumber cost of each of these needs to be balanced. For instance some are currently cheaper to buy as an item than to build with a peasant which is poorly balanced.
  5. Warsong Battle Drums = There are 2 items named this, duplicates. The one in miscellaneous with the “command aura cooldown group” should be deleted from the game and from the editor.

Microsoft is not really involved in the development at all. They are the publisher, not the developer. Caring for WC3 remains at a minimum.

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Here are a couple of more I noticed. I get a headache from browsing the items in the world editor since nobody bothered to fix the items and organize them properly as I have suggested. It would take a day or two for someone at Blizzard to do all the necessary changes I posted here. :grinning:

  1. Glyph of ultravision = Delete from the game. This is the most useless glyph, no map uses this. All units have this as possible research which is just bloated.
  2. Rune of speed = Reduce duration from 20 to 15 sec.
  3. Goblin Night Scope = Worst item in the game and should be deleted from the game. Nobody will ever pick it up unless you do that just to quickly sell it. Keep the icon so we can use the icon for custom maps.
  4. Horn of the Clouds = A good idea but poorly designed, ends up being vendored. Should be changed from channelled spell to instant cast spell and reduce duration from 30 to 14 seconds.
  5. Potion of speed = Reduce duration from 45 to 15 seconds.
  6. Ring of the archmagi = There are 4 items named this which is confusing. The ones you can find and upgrade in the Blood Elf TFT campaign should be renamed to “Ring of the archmagi +1, ring of the archmagi +2 and ring of the archmagi +3” and their level changed from 2 to 0.
  7. Gloves of spell mastery = Make it give +1 armor also. Increase mana cost from 25 to 40 and mana per summoned hitpoint from 0.30 to 0.35 to match latest patch of control magic. Also other settings are not matching latest patch of control magic, for instance “Stats targets allowed” is missing “organic” flag.
  8. Talisman of the wild = Reduce number of charges from 3 to 2 and gold cost from 550 to 400. The item needs to be a lower level item.
  9. Spiked collar = Reduce gold cost from 550 to 500, since fel stalker mana burn was greatly reduced in recent patch.
  10. Mana stone = Missing “art icon normal” in ability “Item Mana Regeneration (Lesser)” in the editor, it needs to have the Mana Stone icon. There are many more item abilities in the editor in the object editor which are missing their icon or have the wrong icon. Please fix all icons for items in ability tab in world editor.
  11. Tome of experience = Change classification from power up to miscellaneous and level from 2 to 0.
  12. Ring of protection +2 = Change level from 2 to 0.
  13. Flare gun = Change level from 3 to 0.
  14. Monster lure = Change level from 3 to 0.
  15. Staff of negation = Change level from 3 to 0.
  16. There are 2 different settings of “level” for each item. One is named “Stats - Level” and the other is named “Stats - Level (Unclassified)”. For most items these 2 settings in object editor in items tab are different, for instance “Legion Doom-Horn” has level 5 and 7. Please completely delete the setting “Stats - Level (Unclassified)” and make Warcraft 3 and the World Editor use only “Stats - Level” for browsing, creating and dropping items (GUI, Tool Palette, Triggers, Units Properties…).