I’m simply telling the truth. Period. I can not reporoduce this issue. I’m not going to agree with a (imaginary, because a handful of people posting on the forum is not a majority of all players) majority just because a supposed majority thinks something. If I agree with something, it’s because I know it to be true.
You can believe whatever you want, you have that right, but that doesn’t make it true. And it’s not true.
If you really want proof, I’m more than happy to stream myself playing and show that I’m not having any sort of random stuttering or other majorly dehabilitating performance issue with this:
Cue the laugh track for having a GPU thats years behind the relatively new CPU I have installed, I just havent gotten around to getting a new one yet.
I’ve never had a win not count since the last patch. While I do still occasionally see the failed to retrieve data message, the game always subsequently shows up in my record afterward. It is however true that the MMR system is rather messed up for team games. And frankly, if you didn’t rub so many people the wrong way, you wouldn’t have this problem where you need to silence everybody.
It’s hilarious to imagine that Blizzard would pay anyone to be simply less grumpy than other forum-goers lol. Anyone who actually reads what I have to say knows I’m no Blizzard worshipper lol, I’m just not riding the hate train to heck.