Is W3: Reforged worth it?

I had watched a video had covered the part where the original W3 owners would get a free download of the reforged (and it wasn’t an option at that point).

If you have RoC CD key linked to your BNET account, you get Reforged SD free. This does not include access to any HD content, or the revised camapign.


You are misleading and reducing the impact of the game on AMD Users. Trully is unplayable.

I’m not misleading anything. I’m on both AMD CPU and GPU and it is not unplayable. It’s not even problematic for me personally Maybe my standards are just lower than yours, I don’t know, but If i’m not affected, then logically there are at least some others not affected as well. I’ve also seen people outside of the AMD bubble complaining- so I’m not convinced this is a hardware specific issue. My GPU is rather crap, but my FPS isn’t any lower than usual, and i’ve played dozens and dozens of games with no issue at frame rates (which have always been normal for me) that are lower than what you and yours are declaring to be “unplayable.”

The community needs players, so I will of course speak out against people using this issue to discourage people from playing the game. At the minimum, they should try it and see if they encounter the issue. They can always get a refund if it’s “unplayable.”

I’m not a troll at all, and you are defaming me, I have flagged this post and I will continue to flag any post where your only purpose is to disparage me.

I make every single comment and post in good faith. I’m not here to stir pots, I’m only here to tell the truth and find and get to the truth. Sorry that you can’t understand that, but that’s the way it is.


If you are having issues with the game, you can go to the technical support and provide your DXDIAG file. So that way they can help you to make the game more playable.

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Wish I knew this sooner… Though I doubt I could find my old box after all these years.

Just because he makes comments that you do not agree with does not mean he is trolling. Nor does it mean he is doing it for money. Now quit it.

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no do not get it the community is beyond toxic and blizzard has abandoned it

I’m simply telling the truth. Period. I can not reporoduce this issue. I’m not going to agree with a (imaginary, because a handful of people posting on the forum is not a majority of all players) majority just because a supposed majority thinks something. If I agree with something, it’s because I know it to be true.

You can believe whatever you want, you have that right, but that doesn’t make it true. And it’s not true.

If you really want proof, I’m more than happy to stream myself playing and show that I’m not having any sort of random stuttering or other majorly dehabilitating performance issue with this:

Cue the laugh track for having a GPU thats years behind the relatively new CPU I have installed, I just havent gotten around to getting a new one yet.

I’ve never had a win not count since the last patch. While I do still occasionally see the failed to retrieve data message, the game always subsequently shows up in my record afterward. It is however true that the MMR system is rather messed up for team games. And frankly, if you didn’t rub so many people the wrong way, you wouldn’t have this problem where you need to silence everybody.

It’s hilarious to imagine that Blizzard would pay anyone to be simply less grumpy than other forum-goers lol. Anyone who actually reads what I have to say knows I’m no Blizzard worshipper lol, I’m just not riding the hate train to heck.


They un-abandoned it a while back, and while I actually agree with you the community is toxic, that’s mostly limited to regular VS team modes. Custom games and 1v1 are honestly fine. And the single player campaign can’t be toxic either.

Not to mention there’s a whole world of custom campaigns out there that are worth experiencing even if you hate the community and/or Blizzard.

There’s just so much that’s worth experiencing that I can’t tell someone not to buy it just because Blizzard/Activision stinks. Many of us have fond memories with the game and the things that produced them are worth experiencing for others. Even if there are bugs and AB is a crap company.

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i can barely play a game, almost every single game someone leaves, back stabs or just acts plain stupid and COMPLETELY takes the enjoyment out of it, i cant even take ladder serious, i am currently 5-14 because of this… its complete and utter bullcrap i have to deal with this over and over and over and over… i play purely 4x4 and its bullcrap i have to deal with this.

There are solutions to this problem:

  1. Play 1v1, w here no one can ever backstab you
  2. play in a group, where people probably aren’t going to backstab you
  3. Be good enough that people don’t leave when they see you, and/or have a good enough social reputation that people won’t give you crap because they know you.

4v4 is a joke in the best of times, people only play it because there is more action. If you really want to play seriously, play 1v1 and/or 2v2 only. And with 2v2, it’s easy enough to find a partner you can party with and trust that they won’t just leave.

With this kind of game, the more players in a match, the messier things get and the more random it is. It’s way better to stick to smaller teams. This isn’t exclusive to war3.

An RTS like war3 has a massive number of variables to track, and it is exceptionally easy compared to other genres to be bad at it. This is one of the main reasons this genre isn’t that popular these days and there haven’t been many new games in this style. So you either need to be more tolerant of people who are bad at the game, or you need to find friends you can trust to play with.

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no one plays 2x2 or 3x3 anymore, i have been looking for people to AT with, making forum posts etc etc…nothing… i play 4x4 because its the only mode i can find games.

I play 2v2 all the time, and I greatly prefer it to anything bigger, even if sometimes that one partner can be as brutally toxic as an entire team if I don’t live up to their expectations.

If you want to play I certainly can but I’m pretty garbo at the game so I can’t blame you for declining.

naw man id gladly play with you %100 honestly

At least it isn’t ATI GPUs or the old RX series GPUs that AMD had either made it really good or really bad.

you said it :slight_smile:

I never once claimed to be good at the game.

But I’m probably not as garbo as you ;0

Absolutely not worth it. do not buy it. The bonus campaign does not work it’s been broken for a year now and it still has not been fixed In fact it’s worse than it was and they broke the rest of the campaign too. It is completely unplayable and blizzard does not give refunds on it anymore because they know it’s unplayable and they know it sucks and they still do nothing to fix it.

Not everyone cares about the campaign. If you just want to play melee or custom games, it works fine.

Also as far as I’m aware, it’s only the reforged campaign that’s messed up, the classic campaign was not modified directly.