In game Lag/Stuttering

Hello, last evening I did not have any of these issues, even after I updated the game. Started playing today and I am noticing these random sounds glitches and lag while playing the campaign. My driver’s are updated, I have done scan and repair, I have lowered the FPS and turned off Vsync. I am still continuing to have this issue, does anyone have a possible solution?


Based on the description, it’s possible that changing CPU affinity might affect the performance for you; to do this open Task manager (in Win11, click the Details tab), right click on the game exe while it’s running, and select Set Affinity… and uncheck at least CPU 0 and 1.

Other than that, if this happened overnight, it could have been a Windows Update, there is an update from Microsoft that has been known to cause issues with gaming and rolling back any updates that may have occured overnight could resolve the issue as well.

There is no fix, don’t read anything that captainjack say, he is either a troll or a blizzard employe

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