I'm still seeing the outdated "fall of silvermoon" map

I’m still seeing the outdated “fall of silvermoon” map both in-game and on the editor :frowning:

If you want a useful answer, you will have to provide better information.

Each campaign map has 2 versions of the map, separated between Reforged and Classic graphics – and sometimes they are completely separate in every way. Additionally, in the fall of the year 2022 there was a patch called Patch 1.33 that updated the Campaign missions to new versions with bugfixes, new balance, and more. The update was released by temp employees who didn’t write it and didn’t know how it works, but a changelist was published on a 3rd party site by the developer who did the changes that was no longer with the company, so that users would know which aspects of the campaign balance and missions changed.

Then in fall 2023, about 1 year later, the temp employees reverted these changes back to the version of the Reforged campaign that was live from 2020-2022, effectively eliminating all the bugfixes and mission balance improvements that they had inadvertently released in fall 2022.

So when you say you do not have the updated version, do you mean that you do not understand how the game works and are playing the Classic version instead of Reforged version? Or do you mean that your Reforged version is the 2020 version and not the 2023 map that was live for a while, but gone now?

I’m seeing this [map](https://x.com/SirThompshire/status/1222311075359657984/photo/1) instead of this [one](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/c/c2/Undead05_Reforged.png/revision/latest?cb=20230531233032)

So, the patch notes for the repealed 1.33 balance changes that I described previously are literally available right here:

It even includes a screenshot of the same maps involved in your complaint.

Unfortunately, there are not any financial resources focused on the future of this game, so if you wish to play the latest version of the campaign maps as you describe, you will need to bootleg them.

You could also try reaching out to the former Activision employee who created them, to see if he can share you a copy (since these campaign missions were included in Reforged live release from August 17th, 2022 until some time last year). He is available on some forms of social media, such as the modding site above. However, I don’t think you will get very far. Other people were already asking for the same here (https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/possible-reforged-campaign-menu-screen-restoration-need-help.353168/) and so far no one helped them.

I have a copy of the map you are asking for on my computer, but I am not particularly interested in sharing it. As I get older, the mental energy expended in being a fan of this game is growing drastically, so at some point if I am the last human on Earth with a copy of the latest Reforged campaign, maybe I will start selling access for $1000 a pop to people or something like that, because it could potentially make a great story and get social media spinning making fun of this company.

lol man you are a riot…