Illidan vs Arthas "Cinematic"

I’m…really sad. and dissapointed. for a variety of reasons, i was excited to see an alternate campaign for reforged alongside the original which would also get an HD version, and hearing that be scrapped is…really sad.
something nobody is talking about however is the fact that the arthas vs illidan in engine cutscene (not cinematic, when i say that i refer to the wow trailer quality stuff, and the cinematics in wc3, you guys know the difference) is STILL IN ENGINE.
this was listed as a regret of the original devs–them not making a full fledged cinematic of it. yes it looks good, yes it’s an upgrade, but god it could be so much more. i don’t care if it has to be added later on, i don’t care of the game has to be delayed, but please PLEASE give us an actual reforging of that scene. not something done in engine.

and also…please give us the new campaign, and the ability to edit number of units selectable in custom games and change the amount of units you can select in regular melee games to 16.


:(Even the big and main character of Battle of Azeroth like Saurfang is not going to be in reforged such a shame.

i’m okay with that, he wouldn’t serve a purpose in the story, the only way i can see him being included is if he was just kind of present in rexxars campaign

teaser of the fight:


(not my upload, just found it)


I’m still stoked to see how it turns out.

It was so bad in the original because they ran out of time and had to rush it.

Imagine how good it would have been if it was a full-fledged cinematic.

That I’m fine with. The teaser looks pretty damn good even if it’s not a cinematic.


CGI is expensive. They are already making cuts. This isn’t that important and frankly, in Warcraft 3, it looked like crap because the graphics were bad while now it will look good enough.


Dude. We have known for an effing year already that the only cinematic they’re going to do is the prologue one.

Stop with this surprised Pikachu face.


Hell this will probably age like fine wine compared to the original one.

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