Idea para solucionar el mal recibimiento del Reforged

Good morning dear gentleman or lady, the present mail I am sending you is intended to communicate an idea for warcraft 3 based on the bad reception of warcraft Reforged.
Before I give my idea, I want to clarify that I only want to help Blizzard to repair a mistake of their best of which I am a big fan, and I would like you not to take this idea wrong.
Having clarified my intentions, the idea is this:
Since there were several problems with the development of Reforged and they had to resort to disappear warcraft 3 (2003) from the Blizzard store, which caused problems for the community and the discontent of the same, I would like to propose the following:
as Warcraft 3 Reforged is a partially incomplete game can opt for the development of the same in secret, this time without haste or haste and focusing on bringing out a good product that can satisfy the fans of the game.

As a measure to counteract the discontent, you can reintegrate Warcraft 3 (2003) with a new campaign personality, based on a “What if”, in this you can observe the story from a different point, in a what if, things had happened in a more favorable way for the protagonists, an example of this could be:

-Arthas would never have become corrupted and obsessed with Malganis.
-Grom Infernal Scream would never have disobeyed Thrall’s orders.

Among other ideas and changes that could work as a good showcase campaign that will appeal to fans and new players, that will bring them back to this game, this may directly affect WoW, but that may be another issue to address.
I hope you like my idea and receive the mail, and respond, with pleasure and respect Juan Mata.