I just found a serious security hole in the world editor

hmm weird behavior by the company. Maybe you need to reinstall whole windows with erasing all files, but the problem is if your router is configurated the settings might be lost and you may not connect to the internet.

Try to install antivirus software with anti malware. That’s the last hope if you can’t solve it. Visit some computer component shop. They can give you some tips or eventually fix your pc. That’s all possible solutions we can give you.

I don’t know much about Norway, but it’s a safe bet that you as a paying customer can have them help you, especially if it was their fault they didn’t give you what you needed at the start.

Never the less, that’s neither here or there. It sounds like it’s time to clean up the case/OS as I was saying earlier.

it is not malware, it is targeted attacks. an anti-malware program does not help. i did use an extensive firewall on one of my pcs which stopped it but, i lost too much freedom on it. i created this topic to report a vulnerability and if you write anything
else off topic, i will ignore it.

This whole thread is off-topic as this isn’t the tech support part of the WC3 forums.


Just format your PC.

the support forum is locked at the moment, that is why i post it in general. there is no bug report forum anyway.

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Well, since you intend to nothing to help yourself/troubleshoot your system, and instead blame the editor simply because that’s what you had displayed in front of you when your system acted weird, then your report will be ignored too.


Classic games tech support is not locked.

LIke i said before try reinstall windows. But you need to format(means to erase all previous files) and then continue with windows installation. When windows is ready if don’t have access to the internet through router settings lost, try to contact ISP to guide you for these settings. I can’t think of any other solution so far.

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Ah my apologies, I hadn’t realised classic tech was down.
Ignore me and carry on.

It’s just still part of the Classic Games forums. The TS here on the W3R site is closed until Reforged is released. (See above)

I was pretty sure I noticed newer versions of the World Editor offered an option ti enter Battlenet account login on startup when I tried to run a 1.30 World Editor but I had mostly been using a 1.31 client and the 1.30 editor realized it was out of date.

@andreasasp2 Are you saying you observed a corruption in the World Editor network startup traffic, or as others say did your computer simply malfunction while the World Editor was open?

Symptoms after the infection aside, what makes you believe the World Editor was how you got hacked? I think that’s really what a lot of these posters want to know.


This entire statement just proves you’re trolling.

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Ok I very much doubt the OP is serious. If the World Editor was truly host to such a security issue, at least on the official release, it would be far more widespread and reported. I somewhat suspect they downloaded one of those clients the dataminers put up of Reforged and used that thing’s world editor to try out new features and that most certainly would be more likely to have security holes.

They also don’t seem to understand basic computer concepts like internet and where it comes from as well as warranty.
Either they’re completely clueless and are just yelling at clouds or they’re trolling. I’m inclined to believe the clueless part is more on the money.

Nah, they’re definitely trolling.

Nobody is this stupid.

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Well, there goes whatever faith I had left in humanity then.

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i am only using official releases, because blizzard threatened with punishing me if i used third party programs. most people does not run the pc that long without reboot however, that might explain why i discovered it while other people did not.


BTW for the sake of clarity I just wanted to add that, technically speaking, it is possible to get hacked via an application that does not have any online functionalities if the application has a security vulnerability.
For example, if the WE had a bug in managing maps in memory when they’re loaded, an attacker could host a malicious map that uses that vulnerability, and it would hack anyone who opens it in WE, even if the WE itself doesn’t have network functionalities.

However, this is clearly NOT the case :stuck_out_tongue:

You are so clueless you don’t know what’s caused by hacking and what’s something else…

Dem Blizzard life threateners… wtf is wrong with you? Do you even understand what they mean? I use replay parser, it is a 3rd party so BAN ME PLZ :man_facepalming:

this one sounds way paranoid.