Human units skin colour - weird ash-like dark red/grey, should be pink and clear


WC3 standard definition - pink and clear.

WC3: Reforged unit icon - pink and clear.

WC3: Reforged unit model - weird ash-like dark red.

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I just want to say, my god the Blood Elf Sorceress is so Beautiful in the remaster! They did an Amazing job on recreated her!
She has Always been one of my favorite unit in the human race, she’s even prettier now!

On topic:
Yeah, they do look abit ‘‘dull’’ and ‘‘grey’’, comparing to the portraits and original units. Maybe we’re not just used to see the more realistic version of the units rather than the cartoonish back in the old game? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Agreed with the OP, the skin color is weird. Even if ‘pink and clear’ isn’t the only possible complexion, the current tone doesn’t look like anything in particular.

If the units are indeed supposed to be more ‘realistic’ rather than cartoonish, then the colors should make sense. Instead, here at least, it seems they don’t.

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Really refreshing to see someone appreciating the new model, most are calling her ugly, sadly.

This is good.

This is not.

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Haven’t you heard? The first bit is that everything that looks realistic is some shade of Brown or Grey. The second bit is that attractive women aren’t realistic and don’t exist. They HAD to nerf the Sorceress, especially since she wore makeup… And then they had to nerf Sylvanas and Jaina to a slightly lesser degree.

Nevermind the beyond Arnold-tier peasants or the new Paladin who’s super muscled torso who sports an equal distance from shoulders to neck and shoulders to hip like a perfect + shape. Or the Hulk-Tier orcs. Those are all accurate and biologically plausible representations.

  1. They gave her garter-straps. That’s sexier than what had been before. You’re delusional if you don’t see it the way I do.
  2. They gave the Death Knight-ess amazingly-crafted assets. You cannot deny the truth in that.

The reality is not as cut and dry.

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Take a closer look. She always had the garters.
I’m not sure if you’re familiar with Hyperbole but the point i’m trying to make is this: The male units still have a measure of visual flair and stylization, while the ladies are looking rather boring and grounded in comparison. The generic female models in wow have more character to them than these, same with the ones in W3.